Name: Cameron C Clark 
Street: Evergreen mobile home community, Cedar Street, Ionia Michigan 48846 (where he most likely currently lives)
Possible 2nd Address: 600 N State St, unit 4 Ionia, Michigan 48846
Age: 21
Phone Number: 616 597 0449
DOB: April 2002

Story: Cameron Clark was recently caught in a sting operation where I posed as a 13 year old girl, he
fell for the bait, gave me his phone number and immediately hit it off. Cameron was in search for 
cp or possibly a hookup but once things got too far I decided to drop the act and threaten him with
getting the authorities involved and calling his parents unless he picks up the phone and answers a 
couple of questions. After some interrogating, he admits this is not his first time because he 
was caught talking to a 16 year old girl earlier this year. While sobbing he also tells me his parents
knew about the incident with the 16 year old girl. So I'm planning on turning this in to police later 
this week along with his parents to let them know he has not learned his lesson.

Here's a picture of the little discord mod :)

UPDATE: I found out where he works : Matcor Automotive Inc. 314 S Steele St, Ionia Mi 48846 
3.4 stars, Open 24 hours, 616 527 4050

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