__    __  ________ 
                                                          /  \  /  |/        |
                                                          $$  \ $$ |$$$$$$$$/ 
                                                          $$$  \$$ |$$ |__    
                                                          $$$$  $$ |$$    |   
                                                          $$ $$ $$ |$$$$$/    
                                                          $$ |$$$$ |$$ |      
                                                          $$ | $$$ |$$ |      
                                                          $$/   $$/ $$/       
                                                          ZOEY & AZAZEL
                                                     RELEASED: 11 / 22 / 23


Greetings and welcome to the miserable end of Cam/Kat, AKA Cameron Arthur Lee  

Cameron is 21 years old, lives with his parents, and has yet to achieve anything noteworthy in his life. Yet claims to have up to $300,000 worth of LTC on a USB drive "stashed away", 
that he acquired by selling League of Legends scripts/cheats. Cameron has been a part of the Steam/Counter-Strike Hacking community for most of his life in which he earned notoriety through the posting of cheating videos on YouTube. 
On Steam, he projects an image of a lavish lifestyle which he funds with his monthly pay from the government. Due to his severe mental conditions, he has been deemed unfit for employment, 
receiving approximately 1,000 GBP each month in two separate segements. Which he promptly spends on things to persevere the illusion of  being wealthy to the ones not aware of his true self. 
Due to his poor judgment when it comes to spending money, He was often found begging for something as simple as food from his ex-girlfriend. 
Although he is currently still living with his parents, they are rarely home, which leaves him unable to afford a proper meal as his priority appears to be maintaining his ego and online persona, rather than allocating funds for groceries. 
And as if this wasn't enough Cameron also has a very disturbing history of exploiting minors, both male and female over the internet. Him exploiting not just girls but also boys might make you wonder; Is Cameron bisexual? 
Simply put, no. Cameron, grappling with severe mental health issues, undergoes episodes that persist for more than a year. In these phases, 
he strives to convince both himself and others that he embodies the persona of a girl named "Kat" or "Katy". Despite being diagnosed with sociopathy and schizophrenia, 
one might reasonably expect that either Cameron himself or, at the very least, his parents would actively seek the necessary help for him. But instead they have entirely neglected him.

From claiming to be a wealthy hacker all the way to pretending to be a female online Cam has gone to great lengths, exploring every way possible to find a way to nest himself into his next victims life. 
Cameron has engaged in quite a lot of disturbing activity with minors over the years both over the internet and in person, including Sexual Battery and Rape. 
We have managed to get in touch with one of Camerons ex girlfriends. There will be a section dedicated to her personal experience regarding Cameron. 
More proof of him actively trying to manipulate & groom minors can also be found in the screenshots section. 

-:[ -= VERIFICATION =- ]:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tracing Cameron's identity, despite the purported cybersecurity expertise of his father and his own claims of being a dangerous hacker, proved to be a relatively straightforward task. 
Our initial lead stemmed from his now-banned OGUsers/FLIPD account, created in 2017. Upon taking a look at the email used to register the account we came across the e-mail "katyheaton532@gmail.com" alongside
with his first password "Imogenlee01". After finding little to no leads using the gmail our focus shifted to the password. Luckily for us Cameron isn't the brightest tool in the shed, 
and happened to reuse the same password for all of his accounts. Which lead to the discovery of one of Cameron's primary Email addresses, namely "cameronalee@yahoo.co.uk." 
Utilizing our knowledge of his name, UK origin, and the consistent password pattern we were infact able to verify that it is his email address. 

Cross-referencing the identified password, we uncovered an additional email address associated with someone named "Imogen Lee". Now Imogen, 
unlike Cameron is a very social and outgoing person with a somewhat large social media presence. Upon delving deeper into Imogen's online presence, we managed to come across her facebook profile. 
After going through her added friends, we found two people who happened to have the same last name as both our victim and Imogen, namely Gaynor and Neil Lee. 
Further investigation into Gaynor's facebook activity revealed several posts wherein she extended birthday wishes to Cameron, referring to him as her "son.", 
With that we were able to verify Camerons identity and were able pinpoint Cameron's exact location. 

-:[ -= SS COLLECTION =- ]:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

https://i.imgur.com/fDfkXFc     - "Punishment" 
https://i.imgur.com/J1mWCux     - Him forcefully isolating his now ex-girlfriend
https://i.imgur.com/EGwJ9lC     - Threatening to post his underage girlfriend's nudes publicly
https://i.imgur.com/KaBGq3t     - Once again threatening to leak explicit images of a minor
https://i.imgur.com/a/eElC0rr   - "Why would I lie about having 300k worth of LTC!"
https://i.imgur.com/QkrWkO8     - Proceeds to use his underage ex girlfriend's card without her permission
https://i.imgur.com/dY562H8     - "Did u get paid :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:"
https://i.imgur.com/y6uf6IA     - "Buy me league skins when U get paid x"
https://i.imgur.com/CPAf3OT     - "I dont wanna touch my money can I use yours"
https://i.imgur.com/FIOqWDP     - "I always get hungry when i stay up"
https://i.imgur.com/2QQD0jP     - Proceeds to use his underage ex girlfriend's card without her permission AGAIN
https://i.imgur.com/1SH90aD     - "League skins part 3. . ."
https://i.imgur.com/1hujUsT     - Begging for money to buy food
https://i.imgur.com/ZaQPMJV     - Third times the charm..
https://i.imgur.com/d2XqSQU     - Getting an underage girl to download "the secure version of discord" 
https://i.imgur.com/OU9PVTM.png - ^

		,------.,--.   ,--.,--------.,------.   ,---.   ,---.           /   
		|  .---' \  `.'  / '--.  .--'|  .--. ' /  O  \ '   .-'       ^~^  ,                      
		|  `--,   .'    \     |  |   |  '--'.'|  .-.  |`.  `-.      ('Y') )
		|  `---. /  .'.  \    |  |   |  |\  \ |  | |  |.-'    |     /   \/
		`------''--'   '--'   `--'   `--' '--'`--' `--'`-----'     (\|||/)       

https://telegra.ph/Message-to-Social-Worker-11-23   - Mental breakdown over food
TL;DR: Cameron is distressed after his parents attend his sister's baby gender reveal, leaving him hungry at home without food at the age of 21

https://i.imgur.com/4rw2YX2     - Mother being fully aware of his son's actions & trying to guilt trip Cameron's victim into forgiving him

https://i.imgur.com/0EVV2Cr     - "Most cucks are bitches with no control but I like to control it"
https://i.imgur.com/DTdBBRZ     - Desperately trying to get a minor to cuck him part 1
https://i.imgur.com/wQt9CQo     - Desperately trying to get a minor to cuck him part 2
https://i.imgur.com/113LHnJ     - "meanie mommy"

https://telegra.ph/The-Cameron-Lee-incident-11-22  - A few (thousand) words from Cameron's now Ex-Girlfriend (17)
No TL;DR available 

-:[ -= ALIASES / PSYEDONYMS =- ]:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Alias(s):              Psyedonyms:
  »  cam             » Katy Heathon
  »  cammy
  »  punish
  »  kat
  »  katy
  »  katymeow
  »  elskan


  » Full Name: 	Cameron Arthur Lee.
  » Age: 	21.
  » DOB: 	March 25, 2002.
  » Height:   	6'1.
  » Weight:   	250 lbs.
  » Ethnicity: 	White. 

                https://ibb.co/184R297 (License)

                https://i.imgur.com/HjgIU6y / https://ibb.co/rt0Cnmy (Waiting to get pegged)
                https://i.imgur.com/eQqKBnQ / https://ibb.co/94nDL2B (^ The Aftermath)
                https://i.imgur.com/9ufPVSP / https://ibb.co/Pt8yzbk (^^)
                https://i.imgur.com/PeZLjtt / https://ibb.co/vdXFQsY (DP)
                https://i.imgur.com/W1VU5aa / https://ibb.co/b7wqFX2 (DP2)
                https://i.imgur.com/kX0HTUL / https://ibb.co/tsWyqfb ( "soft :/" DP)
                https://i.imgur.com/zEqiLsB / https://ibb.co/wQ4yBLN (Naked Mirror Selfie)

 	 	Castlebrook High School (2014-2015, Kicked out)
 	 	Kearsley Academy (2015-2018, Dropped out)
 	 	» Dropped out due to mental health conditions, never graduated
Credit Cards: 	
 	 	Card 1:
 	 	 » 53567*****024563
 	 	 » Name on card: Cameron Lee
 	 	 » EXP: 12/25
  	 	 » CVV: 475
 	 	Card 2:
 	 	 » 41654*****750048
	 	 » Name on card: Cameron Lee
 	 	 » EXP: 02/27
  	 	 » CVV: 814
Mobile Number: 
		+44 7432 102052 
		» Valid: true
		» Carrier: "BT-Mobile"
		» Type: "mobile"
		» Phone model: IPhone 14 Pro Max
                21 Irwell Pl, Stoneclough, Radcliffe, Manchester M26 1PW, UK
		» Current Address

                22 Jenny St, Worsley, Manchester M28 3ZJ, UK
		» Sisters address, stays here occasionally

                66 Affleck Ave, Radcliffe, Manchester M26 1HQ, UK
		» Grandmas address, used to stay there

                101 Dox Road, Liverpool, L6 4AG, UK 
		» Fake address used on Paypal

-:[ -= EMAIL ADDRESSES =- ]:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  » Address: Warchildkat@gmail.com
  » Name: katy heaton
  » ID: 112753189667949549678             » Discord   » Spotify (Jacked, https://files.catbox.moe/wp7knf.png)  
  » Last Updated: 2023-11-08 04:48:41     » Github    » Pornhub  
  » Relevancy: Main                       » Lovense   » Giphy   (Jacked, https://files.catbox.moe/nme7j7.png)
                                          » Steam  

  » Address: cameronalee@yahoo.co.uk
  » Name: Minecraft Bros
  » ID: 114848896971979710147             » Discord   » Skype  (live:cameronalee_2)  
  » Last Updated: 2023-03-24 20:02:40     » Instagram » Soundcloud  
  » Relevancy: Old                        » Etsy      » Paypal (+44 7432 102052)
                                          » Twitter   » Deliveroo  

  » Address: katyheaton532@gmail.com
  » Name: Katy Heaton
  » ID: 114965191217764321027             » Github    » Lovense  
  » Last Updated: 2023-11-08 04:48:40     » Spotify   » Gravatar  
  » Relevancy: Common                     » Evernote  » Tumblr
                                          » FLIPD.GG  » Aimware 

  » Address: cammysarmyv4@gmail.com
  » Name: kat      
  » ID: 107154912767049294717             » Lovense   » Paypal  (+44 7432 102052)
  » Last Updated: 2023-11-08 04:48:41     » Pornhub   » Spotify (Jacked, https://files.catbox.moe/akthp2.jpg)
  » Relevancy: Alt                        » Quora
-:[ -= SOCIAL MEDIA =- ]:-

  » Facebook:
     » https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075285824797

  » Discord:
     » elskaan 
       ID: 236965152593936385

  » Instagram:
     » https://www.instagram.com/elskaaan (Current)
	» 3*******p@gmail.com
     » https://www.instagram.com/c.leeeg (Old)
	» cameronalee@yahoo.co.uk

  » Twitter:
     » https://twitter.com/elskan888
	» cameronalee@yahoo.co.uk

  » Snapchat:
     » https://snapchat.com/add/cameronlee666

  » TikTok:
     » https://www.tiktok.com/@elskaaan

  » Spotify:
     » https://open.spotify.com/user/6wgwp71qhtxpr16ta2upngym0
     » https://open.spotify.com/user/21eztb3aryxlmwxfe7yxj7eky

  » YouTube:
     » https://www.youtube.com/@minecraftbros5344
	» Old youtube account

     » https://www.youtube.com/@kathvh
	» Current account

  » Skype:
     » live:cameronalee_2
     » cameronlee2002

  » OGUsers/FLIPD:
     » https://flipd.gg/punishtake (Banned for Pedophilia)
	» Email: katyheaton532@gmail.com

     » https://flipd.gg/garetotp (Empty acc)
	» Email: cameronalee@yahoo.co.uk

     » https://flipd.gg/lotsofdemons (Multis)
     » https://flipd.gg/niggerballs23 
     » https://flipd.gg/blackmansball 
     » https://flipd.gg/hahalol12345 
     » https://flipd.gg/niggerballs22 
     » https://flipd.gg/niggerballs21

  » Minecraft:
     » https://namemc.com/profile/mommykaty.1

  » Steam:
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198830484805 (Main account)
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077071660 (Alts)
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996459100
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198251112920
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198118211218
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199217310195
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199178915727
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197978725915 
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198248758628 
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198257603223 
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198919950326 
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198442092475 
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198416971316 
     » https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198273377023

-:[ -= FAMILY MEMBERS INFORMATION =- ]:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		,--.   ,--.         ,--.  ,--.                    
		|   `.'   | ,---. ,-'  '-.|  ,---.  ,---. ,--.--. 
		|  |'.'|  || .-. |'-.  .-'|  .-.  || .-. :|  .--' 
		|  |   |  |' '-' '  |  |  |  | |  |\   --.|  |    
		`--'   `--' `---'   `--'  `--' `--' `----'`--' 

  » Full Name: 	Gaynor Lee
  » Age: 	55
  » DOB: 	March 1st, 1968

  » IRL(s): 	

  » Phone:	
		+44 7508 403178
		Valid: true
		Carrier: "EE"
		Type: "mobile"
  » Address:            
                21 Irwell Pl, Stoneclough, Radcliffe, Manchester M26 1PW, UK

  » Emails:     
		gaynor_lee2000@yahoo.co.uk (+44 7508 403178)		
		» Amazon	» Spotify	» Facebook
		» Strava	» Twitter	» Paypal
  » Socials: 	

		,------.         ,--.  ,--.                    
		|  .---',--,--.,-'  '-.|  ,---.  ,---. ,--.--. 
		|  `--,' ,-.  |'-.  .-'|  .-.  || .-. :|  .--' 
		|  |`  \ '-'  |  |  |  |  | |  |\   --.|  |    
		`--'    `--`--'  `--'  `--' `--' `----'`--' 

  » Full Name: 	Neil Lee
  » Age: 	50
  » DOB: 	April 23rd, 1973

  » IRL(s): 	

  » Phone:	
		+44 7931 157904
		Valid: true
		Carrier: "BT-Mobile"
		Type: "mobile"

  » Address:            
                21 Irwell Pl, Stoneclough, Radcliffe, Manchester M26 1PW, UK

  » Emails:     
		neil_lee_2000@yahoo.com (+44 7931 157904, camogen@gmail.com)
		Name: Neil Lee
		ID: 101005047512143454778
		Last Updated: 2022-08-19 09:09:50
		» Nike		» Spotify	» Facebook
		» Skype		» Twitter	» Paypal

		camogen@gmail.com (+44 7931 157904)
		Name: Neil Lee
		ID: 110457269671941554103
		Last Updated: 2023-08-23 12:05:23
		» Youtube	» Spotify	» Paypal
		» Quora
 » Socials: 	

		 ,---.  ,--.        ,--.                 
		'   .-' `--' ,---.,-'  '-. ,---. ,--.--. 
		`.  `-. ,--.(  .-''-.  .-'| .-. :|  .--' 
		.-'    ||  |.-'  `) |  |  \   --.|  |    
		`-----' `--'`----'  `--'   `----'`--'    

  » Full Name: 	Imogen Georgia Lee
  » Age: 	23
  » DOB: 	June 30th, 2000

  » IRL(s): 	

  » Address:            
                22 Jenny St, Worsley, Manchester M28 3ZJ, UK (Current)
                21 Irwell Pl, Stoneclough, Radcliffe, Manchester M26 1PW, UK (Moved out unlike Cameron)

  » Emails:     
		imogenglee@yahoo.co.uk (imogenz@icloud.com)		
		» Deliveroo	» Facebook	» Instagram

		» Spotify
 » Socials: 	

-:[ -= CREDITS =- ]:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    _     _   
   (c).-.(c)    ZOEY & AZAZEL:
    / ._. \     For both Analyzing Cameron thoroughly, extracting all necessary information & more to complete the paste
  __\( Y )/__  	  
 (_.-/'-'\-._)  OTHER:   
    ||   ||     We were able to trackdown a handful of Camerons ex girlfriends yet almost none of them were willing to speak to us regarding this matter,         
  _.' `-' '._   Judging by the way he is portraying himself on the internet we came to the conclusion that they were most likely afraid of him due to reasons not beknown to us,
 (.-./`-'\.-.)  Therefore we would like to personally thank the girl who gathered enough courage to talk to us regarding our investigation.
  `-'     `-'