█░                                                                       Reason                                                                                █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                      teachers assault me taking my phone secretly and scrolling throught without permission slitting my wrist                               █░
    █░                                             talking shit when i left accuses me for something i dont do                                                     █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                 Targets of this dox.                                                                        █░
    █░                                                                       Owner's                                                                               █░
    █░                                                                       mr hadi                                                                               █░
    █░                                                                       ms lana                                                                               █░
    █░                                                                       ms ghoulkhan                                                                          █░
    █░                                                                       Teacher's                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                       saiedreza                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                         omar                                                                                █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                     Name of School                                                                          █░
    █░                                                         Cambridge International School - Capital City                                                       █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                     Address of School                                                                       █░
    █░                                                      M120 Ring Road, Pavilion, Ankawa, Erbil Governorate, Iraq                                              █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                        Phone Number's                                                                       █░
    █░                                                                      +964 750 523 6969                                                                      █░
    █░                                                                      +964 750 878 7890                                                                      █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                           Email's                                                                           █░
    █░                                                                      info@cesk-edu.com                                                                      █░
    █░                                                                     capital@cesk-edu.com                                                                    █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                            Website's                                                                        █░
    █░                                                                      http://www.cesk-edu.com/                                                               █░
    █░                                                                  https://capitalwebsite.cesk-edu.com/                                                       █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                               Social's                                                                      █░
    █░                                                               https://www.facebook.com/CIS.CapitalCity/                                                     █░
    █░                                                               https://capital.cesk-edu.com/signin/index                                                     █░
    █░                                                        https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngcekcxhTTRyiPs-LJAXSw                                             █░
    █░                                                            https://ok.ru/videoembed/2883737165506?autoplay=1                                                █░
    █░                                                                 https://www.instagram.com/ces.kurdistan                                                     █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                       Pictures of Teacher's                                                                 █░
    █░                                                                    https://imgur.com/a/07sTFZb - Lana                                                       █░
    █░                                                                    https://imgur.com/a/UYkuihk - Lana                                                       █░
    █░                                                                    https://imgur.com/a/rFLPbX6 - Owner                                                      █░
    █░                                                                    https://imgur.com/a/LVl787Z - Owner                                                      █░
    █░                                                                    https://imgur.com/a/JcF35OH - Supervisor                                                 █░
    █░                                                                    https://imgur.com/a/BdMeOU0 - Supervisor                                                 █░
    █░                                                                    https://imgur.com/a/JfYhS86 - Teacher                                                    █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                              Branches                                                                       █░
    █░                                                                          CIS - Capital City                                                                 █░
    █░                                                                             CIS - Hawler                                                                    █░
    █░                                                                        CIS - Anna Lindh / Pirmam                                                            █░
    █░                                                                            CIS - Sulaimanya                                                                 █░
    █░                                                                                                                                                             █░
    █░                                                                                 Time's                                                                      █░
    █░                                                                                 Friday	                                                                   █░
    █░                                                                                 closed                                                                      █░
    █░                                                                                 Saturday	                                                                   █░
    █░                                                                                  closed                                                                     █░
    █░                                                                                  Sunday	                                                                   █░
    █░                                                                             9:00 am – 3:00 pm                                                               █░
    █░                                                                                  Monday	                                                                   █░
    █░                                                                              9:00 am – 3:00 pm                                                              █░
    █░                                                                                  Tuesday	                                                                   █░
    █░                                                                              9:00 am – 3:00 pm                                                              █░
    █░                                                                                  Wednesday	                                                           █░
    █░                                                                              9:00 am – 3:00 pm                                                              █░
    █░                                                                                  Thursday	                                                           █░
    █░                                                                              9:00 am – 3:00 pm                                                              █░

                                                                                 made by yousif . y