___________ __ _________ __ \_ _____/_ __ ____ | | __ / _____/ ________ __ ____ _____ | | __ ___________ ______ | __)| | \_/ ___\| |/ / \_____ \ / ____/ | \_/ __ \\__ \ | |/ // __ \_ __ \/ ___/ | \ | | /\ \___| < / < <_| | | /\ ___/ / __ \| <\ ___/| | \/\___ \ \___ / |____/ \___ >__|_ \ /_______ /\__ |____/ \___ >____ /__|_ \\___ >__| /____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ |__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ This is a good one! Fucking idiot ran a token logger LOL Full name: Cameron Carnahan Address: 5685 Mercedes Dr Cumming GA 30041-4815 IP: (Dynamic) Usernames: 69hr, CucumberCow, CowPigWater_TW XBOX Gamertag: CowPigWater_TW (Probably need to go through the dms again on this one) How to get IP from XBOX gamertag (useful): https://xboxresolver.com/ Discord token (old): 6GRBMhWIveGYcM6v0BaEQ37g.DyAN2w.IZFg4r43Diwf1iDABnU24eit9Uo Minecraft token: eyJzdWIiOiJkYzFjMTYxZDg1YWY0MWVhYmFmY2FjOWYwZTE4YzgzMyIsInlnZ3QiOiI2MmM0NDYwYjc3MGU0MjgyYmJjYTA5YjU1MGE1ZTE0ZiIsInNwciI6ImJjOWU4YmMyMmYxZTQ5Yzk5OWYzYWRjMjg3NTdlMzE2IiwiaXNzIjoiWWdnZHJhc2lsLUF1dGgiLCJleHAiOjE1ODg2ODA1MjYsImlhdCI6MTU4ODUwNzcyNn0.YnRjAzTDWqeIgmYoA6Kwva27zm1DISPYHbuWud9p8Ag Discord dms download: https://anonfile.com/bdL2y9w0o5/aurora_and_cam_dms_by_crystallinqq_zip (Plenty of accounts in there for various things, some with changed passwords some without :^) (Also tons of really pathetic screenshots to be taken LOL) CBA to find more on this kid