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                                                                                                    [======[ ᴛ ᴀ ʙ ʟ ᴇ   ᴏ  ғ   ᴄ ᴏ ɴ ᴛ ᴇ ɴ ᴛ ]======]                          
                                                                                                    |                                                |    
                                                                                                    |  0x00:  Introduction                           |    
                                                                                                    |    0x01: Reasoning                             |    
                                                                                                    |    0x02: Verification Status                   |    
                                                                                                    |    0x03: Note(s)                               |    
                                                                                                    |    0x04: Nikhal Reuben                         |   
                                                                                                    |    0x05: Alias(es)                             |    
                                                                                                    |    0x06: Personal Information                  |    
                                                                                                    |    0x07: Picture(s)                            |       
                                                                                                    |    0x08: Social Media                          |    
                                                                                                    |    0x09: E-Mail(s)                             |    
                                                                                                    |    0x10: Property Info                         |    
                                                                                                    |    0x11: Credits                               |    
                                                                                                    |                                                |    

                                                                            $$$$$$\          $$\                            $$\                    $$\    $$\                   
                                                                            \_$$  _|         $$ |                           $$ |                   $$ |   \__|                  
                                                                              $$ | $$$$$$$\$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$ $$\   $$\ $$$$$$$\$$$$$$\  $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\  
                                                                              $$ | $$  __$$\_$$  _| $$  __$$\$$  __$$\$$  __$$ $$ |  $$ $$  _____\_$$  _| $$ $$  __$$\$$  __$$\ 
                                                                              $$ | $$ |  $$ |$$ |   $$ |  \__$$ /  $$ $$ /  $$ $$ |  $$ $$ /       $$ |   $$ $$ /  $$ $$ |  $$ |
                                                                              $$ | $$ |  $$ |$$ |$$\$$ |     $$ |  $$ $$ |  $$ $$ |  $$ $$ |       $$ |$$\$$ $$ |  $$ $$ |  $$ |
                                                                            $$$$$$\$$ |  $$ |\$$$$  $$ |     \$$$$$$  \$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$  \$$$$$$$\  \$$$$  $$ \$$$$$$  $$ |  $$ |
                                                                            \______\__|  \__| \____/\__|      \______/ \_______|\______/ \_______|  \____/\__|\______/\__|  \__|
                                                                            0x01 Reasoning
									    Nigga is 21. Grooming a 14 year old girl when he's 21. He is very aware of her age and doesn’t seem to care. 
									    Just a pedo nigga talking to underage girls playing Mineplex
									    0x02 Verification Status
									    Information gathered for this dox is completly fact checked and is verified by multiple sources. Anything put in this dox is believed
                                                                            beyond a reasonable doubt to be him or have some sort of relation to him. Personal info is accurate as to the date it was set on the dox
                                                                            0x03 Note(s)
                                                                            If this nigga says hes 17 or 18 hes lying LOL nigga lies about his age so he can get underage girls to send him nudes. 
                                                                            Hes a pedo ass nigga. That in reality is 21
						                            $$\   $$\$$\$$\      $$\               $$\       $$$$$$$\                   $$\                         
                                                                            $$$\  $$ \__$$ |     $$ |              $$ |      $$  __$$\                  $$ |                        
                                                                            $$$$\ $$ $$\$$ |  $$\$$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\ $$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$\ $$\   $$\$$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\  
                                                                            $$ $$\$$ $$ $$ | $$  $$  __$$\ \____$$\$$ |      $$$$$$$  $$  __$$\$$ |  $$ $$  __$$\$$  __$$\$$  __$$\ 
                                                                            $$ \$$$$ $$ $$$$$$  /$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$ $$ |      $$  __$$<$$$$$$$$ $$ |  $$ $$ |  $$ $$$$$$$$ $$ |  $$ |
                                                                            $$ |\$$$ $$ $$  _$$< $$ |  $$ $$  __$$ $$ |      $$ |  $$ $$   ____$$ |  $$ $$ |  $$ $$   ____$$ |  $$ |
                                                                            $$ | \$$ $$ $$ | \$$\$$ |  $$ \$$$$$$$ $$ |      $$ |  $$ \$$$$$$$\\$$$$$$  $$$$$$$  \$$$$$$$\$$ |  $$ |
                                                                            \__|  \__\__\__|  \__\__|  \__|\_______\__|      \__|  \__|\_______|\______/\_______/ \_______\__|  \__|
									    0x05 Alias(es)                      
									    Alias:            |  Relation: 
									    Nlkk	      |  Minecraft
                                                                            nikhil-reuben     |  Snapchat                   
                                  ,;;;;;;,                                  nikhil_reuben     |  Instagram
                                ,;;;'""`;;\                                 nikhil.reuben     |  Facebook
                              ,;;;/  .'`',;\									 
                            ,;;;;/   |    \|_                                    0x06 Personal Information		
                           /;;;;;    \    / .\									 
                         ,;;;;;;|     '.  \/_/                              Full Name: Nikhal reuben
                        /;;;;;;;|       \                                   Age: 21
             _,.---._  /;;;;;;;;|        ;   _.---.,_                       Height: 5'8
           .;;/      `.;;;;;;;;;|         ;'      \;;,                      Penis Legnth: 3.5
         .;;;/         `;;;;;;;;;.._    .'         \;;;.                    Address: 3 Choyce Cl, Leicester LE7 7QW
        /;;;;|          _;-"`       `"-;_          |;;;;\                   Relatives: Anjali Reuben, Raj Reuben (cba...)
       |;;;;;|.---.   .'  __.-"```"-.__  '.   .---.|;;;;;|			 						 
       |;;;;;|     `\/  .'/__\     /__\'.  \/`     |;;;;;|                  School: University of birmingham
       |;;;;;|       |_/ //  \\   //  \\ \_|       |;;;;;|                  Address: Edgbaston Park Rd, B15 2TU Brimingham. Uk
       |;;;;;|       |/ |/    || ||    \| \|       |;;;;;|                  Website: https://www.guildofstudents.com / https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/index.aspx
        \;;;;|    __ || _  .-.\| |/.-.  _ || __    |;;;;/                   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/guildofstudents
         \;;;|   / _\|/ = /_o_\   /_o_\ = \|/_ \   |;;;/                    Instagram: @uobguildofstudents
          \;;/   |`.-     `   `   `   `     -.`|   \;;/                     Twitter: @guildofstudents
         _|;'    \ |    _     _   _     _    | /    ';|_                    Email: studentfees@bham.ac.uk
        / .\      \\_  ( '--'(     )'--' )  _//      /. \                   Phone: Tel: +44 121 414 3344 / +44 121 415 9990
        \/_/       \_/|  /_   |   |   _\  |\_/       \_\/                          Fax: +44 121 414 3971
                      | /|\\  \   /  //|\ |					 						
                      |  | \'._'-'_.'/ |  |                                      0x07 Picture(s)
                      |  ;  '-.```.-'  ;  |					 				 
                      |   \    ```    /   |				    IRL: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799624326952779776/826677428360839198/image0.png?width=278&height=601
    __                ;    '.-"""""-.'    ;                __		    IRL 2: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799624326952779776/826678348661915648/FB_IMG_1617165788708.png?width=601&height=601
   /\ \_         __..--\     `-----'     /--..__         _/ /\		    IRL 3: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799624326952779776/826908522561929216/image0.png 																 
   \_'/\`''---''`..;;;;.'.__,       ,__.',;;;;..`''---''`/\'_/              
        '-.__'';;;;;;;;;;;,,'._   _.',,;;;;;;;;;;;''__.-'			 0x08 Social Media															 
             ``''--; ;;;;;;;;..`"`..;;;;;;;; ;--''``   _		    
        .-.       /,;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;,\    _.-' `\		    https://namemc.com/profile/NlKK.5
      .'  /_     /,;;;;;;'/| ;;;;;;; |\';;;;;;,\  `\     '-'|		    https://www.snapchat.com/add/nikhil-reuben
     /      )   /,;;;;;',' | ;;;;;;; | ',';;;;;,\   \   .'-./		    https://www.instagram.com/mnikhil_reuben
     `'-..-'   /,;;;;','   | ;;;;;;; |   ',';;;;,\   `"`	            https://www.facebook.com/nikhil.reuben
              | ;;;','     | ;;;;;;; |  ,  ', ;;;'|			    
             _\__.-'  .-.  ; ;;;;;;; ;  |'-. '-.__/_			    Relatives Social Media																              
            / .\     (   )  \';;;;;'/   |   |    /. \			                                                               
            \/_/   (`     `) \';;;'/    '-._|    \_\/			    Brother					          
                    '-/ \-'   '._.'         `				    https://www.instagram.com/rajreuben/ (cba...)			                                                              
                      """      /.`\                                                                                                        
                               \|_/					    mom 				              
									    https://www.instagram.com/reubenanjali/ (cba...)	                                                                         
									         0x09 E-Mail(s)		                      
									    ???                                                         _------__--___.__.
                                                                                                                                       /            `  `    \
                                                                                 0x010 property info                                  |                      \
                                                                                                                                      |                       |
                                                                            3 Choyce Cl, Leicester LE7 7QW                             \                      |
                                                                            image of home: https://imgur.com/a/10dmpoh                   ~/ --`-`-`-\         |
                                                                            Bedrooms: 5                                                  |            |       |
                                                                            Bathrooms: 2                                                 |            |       |
                                                                            En-suite: 2                                                  |   _--    |       |
                                                                            GARAGE: 1                                    Hey Retard,      _| =-.    |.-.    |
                                                                            Today's price £855,000                     how does it feel    o|/o/       _.  |
                                                                            Last sold: 2011 for £600,000                 to get ran?      /  ~          \ |
                                                                            Detached house 5 bedroom Freehold                            (____@)  ___~   |
                                                                                                                                          |_===~~~.`     |
                                                                                 0x11 Credits                                             _______.--~    |
                                                                                                                                        \________       |
                                                                            @Web                                                                 \      |
                                                                            https://doxbin.org/user/Web                                        __/-___-- -__
                                                                                                                                              /            __\
                                                                                                                                              /            __\
                                                                                                                                             /-|          || |
                                                                                                                                            / /|          || |                                

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