Dropped by:
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┃Reason for Dox:                                           ┃
   ┃                  Table Of Contents                     ┃
   ┃                                                        ┃
   ┃    0x01  Introduction....................              ┃
   ┃    0x02  Victim..........................              ┃
   ┃    0x03  Social media....................              ┃                              
   ┃    0x04  Family..........................              ┃
   ┃    0x05  Database Entries................              ┃
┃                    0x01 Introduction                     ┃
- Whore
- Manipulative liar
- Lies about suicide
- Called the cops on me (got me on a watchlist)
- Huge snake
- Willing to do anything in order to make herself look better
- Lied about overdosing for attention

- Proof of her twitter hacked: http://prntscr.com/qymbr1
- Proof of her MC acc hacked:  http://prntscr.com/qymc0h
- Proof of her MC acc hacked:  http://prntscr.com/qzqxbs
┃                    0x02 The Victim                       ┃
IP: 59.102.15.*
Alias: perfetta / drippieez
Full name: Cait Holbrook
Age: 15
DOB: 05/02/2004
Email: wibbaswildhaha@gmail.com / loviealicita@gmail.com / ddiseasees@gmail.com
Phone: N/A
Address: 9401 Sterling Pl Saint Louis, MO 63123
Pictures of the victim: http://prntscr.com/qylung
Pictures of the victim: http://prntscr.com/qz7iwc (her as a child)
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┃                           0x03 Social Media                          ┃
Twitter: https://twitter.com/drippieez (Jacked by me)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/caiiaiat (her new twitter)
Instagram: @suckkieee
Snapchat: @woahsorry
NameMC: https://namemc.com/profile/perfetta.1 
NameMC: https://nl.namemc.com/profile/drippiee.1
Youtube: N/A
Google: N/A
Spotify: @cait.
Discord: caiiaiat#8733 

gravatar: http://en.gravatar.com/chadandconnie (Shared)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/connie.holbrook (Connie)
Photobucket: http://photobucket.com/home/cahcah72 (Connie)
Bebo: http://bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=5833456786 (Connie)
┃                           0x04 Family Members                        ┃               
Full name: Connie Mosier Holbrook (Mother)
Age: 47
DOB: June 1972
IRL: http://prntscr.com/qym3t4 (Her and her husband Chad)
Email: holbrookhon@aol.com
Email: chadandconnie@yahoo.com
Email: holbrookhon@att.net
Email: mtidwell2@worldnet.att.net
Email: holbrookhon@gte.net
Email: constance.mosier@gmail.com
Address: 9401 Sterling Pl Saint Louis, MO 63123
Cell: 573-754-2856
Landline: 314-351-6078
Workplace: Archdiocese of Saint Louis
Work addy: 20 Archbishop May Dr, St. Louis, MO 63119
Phone: 314-792-7000 / 314-792-7005
Website: https://www.archstl.org/
Full name: Chad Alan Holbrook (Father)
Age: 52
DOB: October 1967
IRL: http://prntscr.com/qym3t4 (Him and his wife Connie)
Email: chadandconnie@yahoo.com
Email: sylvia.holbrook@aol.com
Address: 9401 Sterling Pl Saint Louis, MO 63123
Cell: 469-855-7711
Landline: 314-351-6079
Court records: http://prntscr.com/qym8te
Court records: http://prntscr.com/qym91k
Court records: http://prntscr.com/qym95c
Court records: http://prntscr.com/qym97p
Full name: Sylvia J Holbrook (Granny)
Age: 73
DOB: July 1946
Email: sylvia.holbrook@aol.com
Email: easymonkie@hotmail.com
Email: sylvia.holbrook@hotmail.com
Email: easymonkie@address.com
Email: easymonkie@aol.com
Address: 217 S Dick Price Rd Kennedale, TX 76060
Cell: 469-855-7711
Landline: 469-855-5577
┃                           0x05 DB Entries                            ┃