----Doxed by Abyss aka "Lux" 
-Reason: Idolizes a pedophile, has people come to me about him flirting with kids from age 16-14. straight weirdo. and tried to pin me that I was the pedophile for doxing him.. not really a full dox.
---if someone wants to finish it go for it. I don't really care honestly. doing this out of boredom. haven't done this shit in awhile GG's.

---Discord: xvterzx15
-Instagram: Its_St4rs
---Twitch: <Unknown@>
- Name: Caden Smith
- Gang Affiliation: !!!So calls himself "YBC" But uses Crip slang. Kinda wack!!!

Current Address: 140 N Wanamaker St
-----------------Philadelphia, PA  19139
-----------------United States
---> Home Information <---
-Bedrooms: N/A | Bathrooms: N/A | Square ft. 1,038 | Year Built: 1925
---Estimated Value: $94,000 | Estimated Equity: $94,000 | Last Sale Amount: 8,500 | Last Sale Date 12/08/2000
-Occupancy Type: Non-Owner Occupied | Ownership Type: Corporate | Land Use: Townhouse (Residential) | Property Class: Residential
---Subdivision: N/A | Lot Square Ft. 1,037 | APN: 88-6535600 | School District: Philadelphia City, School District

---> Currently Living in household (Owner/Renter) <---
---Name: Quamir Oliver
-Age: 29 
---Born: May 4th, 1995
-Phone # / Landline: (267) 455-4511
---Known Middle Name: "Tyrong"

---> Previous Address's <---

--------------------218-220 Woodrow St
--------------------Chester, PA 19013

-----826 Mourning Dove Rd
-----Norristown, PA 19403

--------------218 Woodrow St #220
--------------Chester, PA 19013

---> Possible Relatives <---
--> Kanisha Oliver <----> Abbie Oliver <----> Tommie Oliver <----> Anitra Oliver
--> Age: 44 <-----------> Age: 83 <---------> Age: 80 <----------> Age: 41
--> Darnell Oliver <----> Emma Oliver <----> Stephanie Oliver <----> Vernon Oliver
--> Age: 50 <-----------> Age: 90 <--------> Age: 39 <-------------> Age: 54

---> Possible Associates <---
Anthony Crandlle
Age 53 

Cierra Campbell
Age 25

Esther Odum
Age 77

Felicia Smith
Age 41

Jeffrey Richardson
Age 50

Naya Campbell
Age 28

Rafiah Williams
Age 51

Reuben Smith
Age 44

Rita Gilson
Age 98

Tracy Richardson
Age 48

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