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║┼┼┼┼┼██║┼███████████▒┼┼███████████┼┼██▒┼┼┼┼┼                                                          Declassified

# Case Number: 10249

# Reason For Declassification: Operation Sabotaged

# Reason For Declassification: Lack Of Suspect Information

This Document, and its contents have been cleared for public release upon review from CSTF HICOMMAND 
Declassification Approval: September 17 2023 

Agent Log:

# Why did you create this case?
> Child Grooming

# Why was this case abandoned/concluded?
> Sabotage/Lack Of Suspect Information


\\\ Information Dump ///

Face: https://imgur.com/SN9X6NI
Name: Dalya ("Dalia")
Age: Eighteen
Persons Description: White Female, Brown Hair, Long Hair    
Country Of Origin: Egypt
Country: Egypt
State/Province: ?
City: ? 
Address: ?
Primary Tiktok.com: @im.t5red     ( https://www.tiktok.com/@im.t5red )
Primary Discord.com: @scoutsundayabed ( 1054475926886420541 )
Secondary Discord.com: @luvlulu3 ( 957262193609539614 )
Primary Roblox.com: @DaloooDalooo1 ( 976451997 )

Credits: D3SONE AKA @des1643 via. Doxbin