CSP (Cristian Bureriu jr) is an american programmer / business owner located in Seattle of the USA. He also likes to scam kids in his free time so he gets what he deserves.

Cristian Bureriu jr (Cris Bureriu for short) his information:

Name: Cristian Bureriu jr
Address: 14610 106th Ave NE (under his fathers name)
City / state: Bothell, WA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crisbureriu/
Instagram#2: https://www.instagram.com/crisbureriujr/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cris.bureriu
His business: https://mightycoders.io/
Email: kansumogaming@gmail.com
Phone number: Doesnt have one, it was stolen (the phone not the phone number)
photos: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/719395240678522896/738624301330333766/unknown.png
More photos on his facebook / instagram

Mothers information:
Name: Gabriela B Bureriu
Address: 14603 106th Ave NE
City / state: Bothell, WA
Phone number: (425) 483-5434
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gabriela.bureriu
Father information: 
Name: Cristian Bureriu
Address: 14603 106th Ave NE
Address#2: 615 Croft Ave W
City / state: Bothell, WA
City / state#2: Gold Bar WA
Phone number: (425) 483-5434
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cristian.bureriu

Other family: He has sibling but they're minors so I will not be posting their information.