He has a discord server where he talks to minors in a sexual way and also has had sex with 14-year-olds and 12-year-olds. (NAME) Adam,boardman (AGE) 19 (PHONE NUMBER) +447542443957 (INSTA) https://www.instagram.com/adamzxig (TIKTOK) https://www.tiktok.com/@adamzxtt (TWITTER) https://twitter.com/AdamZXYT (YOUTUBE) https://www.youtube.com/@AdamZXYT/videos (YOUTUBE) https://www.youtube.com/@AdamZXMC/videos(TWITCH) https://www.twitch.tv/adamzxttv (XBOX TAG) YT AdamZX (DISCORD USER ID) 767398545623875595 (DISCORD SERVER PRIMARY) https://discord.gg/qEz5RKvrSd (DISCORD SERVER) https://discord.gg/dA47ujw6Yp Northampton, Northamptonshire,UK NORTHAMPTON, NN7 HE jerks off to 13-year-olds.