____            _     _       
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 | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ 
 | |_| | (_) >  <| |_) | | | | |
 |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|

Created:Nov 19th, 2024

Created by:Anonymous



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 ::::::::   ::::::::  :::::::::  ::::::::::       :::::::::      :::           :::::::::: :::::::::  :::::::::::  ::::::::  
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			 ____  _  _  ____  __      __    _  _    __    ____  ____  _____  _  _ 
			( ___)( \/ )(  _ \(  )    /__\  ( \( )  /__\  (_  _)(_  _)(  _  )( \( )
			 )__)  )  (  )___/ )(__  /(__)\  )  (  /(__)\   )(   _)(_  )(_)(  )  ( 
			(____)(_/\_)(__)  (____)(__)(__)(_)\_)(__)(__) (__) (____)(_____)(_)\_)
      	   CoreDaEpic (also known as: @TheKidWhoDoesS1 / CoreGaming_2021 / EpicDaCore) is an admin
       in a Discord Server called "Sam's Monkey Club", the server is owned by a 13-14 year old youtuber 
      	 called "SamGaming01" who is a packgod-wannabe, Sam makes videos "Roasting" famous ragebaiters
      (Example: Bellathewolf) or other people who did something bad, he also tries to edit like packgod
      				  he is basically just a packgod wannabe.
		         But this is not about SamGaming01, this is about CoreDaEpic

					Ill try to get as much
				 info as i possibly can in the future


	   _   _  ____   ___  _   _  ___   ___  _   _  _____  _____  __      ____  _  _  ____  _____   
	  ( )_( )(_  _) / __)( )_( )/ __) / __)( )_( )(  _  )(  _  )(  )    (_  _)( \( )( ___)(  _  )()
	   ) _ (  _)(_ ( (_-. ) _ ( \__ \( (__  ) _ (  )(_)(  )(_)(  )(__    _)(_  )  (  )__)  )(_)(   
	  (_) (_)(____) \___/(_) (_)(___/ \___)(_) (_)(_____)(_____)(____)  (____)(_)\_)(__)  (_____)()
                                            (highschool info)

Location: 3319 N Grant Ave, Springfield, MO 65803

Country Name: United States of America

City: Springfield

School's Phone Number: +1 427-523-8000

Line Type: landline


	  	 ____  ____  ____  ___  _____  _  _    __    __      ____  _  _  ____  _____ 
	  	(  _ \( ___)(  _ \/ __)(  _  )( \( )  /__\  (  )    (_  _)( \( )( ___)(  _  ) ()
	  	 )___/ )__)  )   /\__ \ )(_)(  )  (  /(__)\  )(__    _)(_  )  (  )__)  )(_)( 
	  	(__)  (____)(_)\_)(___/(_____)(_)\_)(__)(__)(____)  (____)(_)\_)(__)  (_____) ()
                                            (personal info)

Country Name: United States of America

City: Springfield

Carrier: T-Mobile USA Inc.

Line Type: mobile

Phone Number: +14178942583

His name and surname (not confirmed): Core Jones

Postal code: 13468

Address: Baptist of Springfield First, State Route 80, Springfield Center, NY 13468, United States of America

Latitude 42.83283395, Longitude -74.8753479654212


			 ____  _____  _  _  __  __  ___    ____  _  _  ____  _____   
			(  _ \(  _  )( \( )(  )(  )/ __)  (_  _)( \( )( ___)(  _  )()
			 ) _ < )(_)(  )  (  )(__)( \__ \   _)(_  )  (  )__)  )(_)(   
			(____/(_____)(_)\_)(______)(___/  (____)(_)\_)(__)  (_____)()
                                            (bonus info)

CoreDaEpic (aka: CoreGaming_2021) made a map called Infernal Citadel for a roblox game called "Flood Escape 2"

CoreDaEpic made his roblox account on 25th of November 2015, he uses the same account to this day

CoreDaEpic made a twitter account on Novemember 25th 2020 (@TheKidWhoDoesS1)

CoreDaEpic's Second Youtube Channel is EpicDaCore

CoreDaEpic is white


Please remember to call this guys phone and traumatize his family! ill try to get more info soon so stay tuned!
 			(i cant confirm if i get anymore info though, but ill try!)