Michelle Zatlyn - the COO of Cloudflare Reason: helps lead a company that has a history of protecting everyone from ISIS websites to incels.net and kidschat.net Will be updated. suggestions and corrections in the comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------- picture of her: https://cloudflare.net/governance/board-of-directors/person-details/default.aspx?ItemId=cb4b1419-b9ea-4ac7-a62f-4ccbda3f585b Full Name: Michelle zatlyn Email: Michelle@cloudflare.com Addresses: 665 3rd St San Francisco, CA 94188 101 Townsend St San Francisco, CA 94107 (work) (possible address 3317 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94118-2033 though unlikely) some Corporate connections she has: Douglas Kramer Matthew Price Matthew Browning Prince Thomas Seifert Education degree institution MBA Harvard Business School BACHELOR McGill University BACHELOR McGill University Social Media: @zatlyn Cloudflare emails: no-reply@cloudflare.com, dbogdan@cloudflare.com, noreply@cloudflare.com, product-updates@cloudflare.com, cfmarketing@cloudflare.com, dns@cloudflare.com, community@cloudflare.com , support@cloudflare.com, mobile@cloudflare.com, billing@cloudflare.com How to get around cloudflare: Use these tools http://www.crimeflare.org:82/cfs.html (best one) https://dnsdumpster.com/ https://www.virustotal.com/gui/