Telegram: @Rutleesh
Telegram ID: 6771235060

Rutleesh is a guy who sells accounts for various games, both for mobile and PC.
Also sells stolen PayPal and credit cards.
Now, you may ask, how does he get these accounts? The answer is that the bastard is blackmailing children to gain access to their accounts. Many children have hurt themselves (self-harm) because of him.
Rutleesh blackmails children after doxxing them. He is a bastard who deserves a heavy punishment.
His telegram group: @RutleeshVouches


Telegram: @Strappavo & @anonimamente
Telegram ID: 6281143213

This guy runs a telegram sales group.
Where it gives consent to scammers to scam people and blackmail them.
I tried to report him and his group, and I even tried to stop them but they banned me just because I didn't agree with people scamming.
You can find his telegram group as: @SellGame2024