Oliver Treanor Miska
NYU Graduate Student/Middle School Teacher
Work phone: omiska@hamlinrobinson.org
Home: olivermiska@gmail.com
Home: (206) 465 8586, carrier AT and T
Email: Olivermiska@gmail.com
hamlin robinson school; phone number (206) 763-1167
1701 20th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98144
He formerly worked as fisherman at Misty moon, a roof setting manager at brooklyn boulders,  (718) 482-7078

Andrew Grant Houston
Studied at Austin school of architecture 
Venmo:https://venmo.com/houstonace (you can view his purchase venmo history on here) He had several Venmos with sexual references to multiple things, eggplants, sounding, “Bitches be cheap”,
from viewing his, and several of  his friends history it seems very likely he actively used escorts all around the year. 
Friends; Vaughn Frisby, Jeff Rochon, Tomo Berry
Workplace: https://www.housecosmopolitan.com/
704 E Thomas St Apt 208 Seattle WA 98102-5445
https://venmo.com/Niki-Desai -Land Lord

Kshama SawantCareer Politician (Socialist Alternative)

11086 Camino Playa Carmel
San Diego CA 92124-4142