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 \_______| \______/ \__/  \__| \_______| \_______|      
                                     DOX BY ZSI

First Name: Stefan
Middle Name: Alberto
Last Name: Cornitescu
Pics of him: https://easyimg.io/i/qpby3l89w/1000034828.jpg
Date Of Birth: 25/07/2006
Highschool: Liceul Teoretic Henri Coanda, Mate-info
Adress: Craiovita noua, str Elena Farago 43, bl 171
Adress link:https://maps.app.goo.gl/g6DL7VyDLxoihMG16
Phone Number's: 
main phone number: +40 786 618 363  
                   +40 749 917 493
                   +40 770 532 629 (he has 3 phones)
Sports:Karate till 14 y/o
       karate pic:https://easyimg.io/i/84ege98n0/1000035477.jpg
       kickbox till 16 y/o
Tik Tok: caricepsv2
Instagram accounts: main acc:-st1ckulus 
Ip: (digi dinamic ip)

First Name: Simona
Last Name: Cornitescu
Pics of her:https://easyimg.io/i/mhj4kfgkv/1000035484.jpg
Facebook link:https://www.facebook.com/simona.corn
Age: 47
Date of birth: 3 October 1976
Address: Craiovita noua, str Elena Farago 43, bl 171
Adress link:https://maps.app.goo.gl/g6DL7VyDLxoihMG16
Job: Professor at "Liceul Tehnologic Dimitrie Filisanu" 
she teaches ECONOMY at "Turism"
Studied at University of Craiova (UCV)
Check in's:-Egipt 29 December 2023
           -SAH club Craiova 22 april 2023
           -Zanzibar Pub (filiasi) 22 December 2022
           -Scoala de fotbal Gica Popescu 24 September 2022
           -Manastirea Lainici 8 july 2020
           -Bucharest 18 june 2020
           -Militari shopping Center (calarasi)
           -Catedrala Mantuirii Neamului (Bucharest)
           -Dino park rasnov 19 october 2019
           -Peles castle (sinaia) 17 aug 2019
           -Vatra romana (racari) 14 december 20118
           -Aqua park (valcea) 25 december 2018 etc..

First Name:Florin                      
Last Name:Cornitescu 
Pic of him:https://easyimg.io/i/5nfa8yyic/1000035492.jpg
Facebook link:https://www.facebook.com/florin.cornitescu
Age: 48
Date Of Birth:1 noiebrie 1975 
Adress:str Elena Farago 43, bloc 171 i
Adress link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/g6DL7VyDLxoihMG16
Buys furniture from:Leroy Merlin / MOBILAB-his aunts company 
 --- fb link:https://www.facebook.com/mobilab.craiova

Any other family members: 13 y/o brother 
                          pics of him:https://easyimg.io/i/r8sf4zp6n/1000035496.jpg

EX "girlfriend" dox(he was obsessed with her) :
---her ig:https://www.instagram.com/sawwakkoo?igsh=MTFqMDdyaDMzdXB1aQ==
Pics of her:https://easyimg.io/i/lykg2s67i/1000035504.jpg

Optional:Severe anxiety 
         Self harm
         Eating disorder 

Committed acts:distribution of child p0rn0gr4phy, illegal operations with devices or programs
    information, illegal access to an information system, alteration of the integrity of information, transfer
unauthorized access to computer data. 
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