Name: Steve Tyler 'Commie' Radius
Date of birth: 10-02-2004
adress:  (334) 448-5553 98 Plantation Dr Warm Springs, Georgia(GA), 31830 
phone number: 404-761-8223
IGN's: C0mmie, c0mmieblm, steveblm among others
Known for: Doxxing, leader of the shit group 'The Gulag' and supporter of the shit base 'McDonalds' on 2b2t, no mic, trolling.
reasons for dox: severe trolling of pixelboy001, trolling in general, toxic, doxxing, colluding with mrgibson and Daren cena, 2b2t, racism,
Fuck The Gulag, Fuck C0mmiegrad, fuck mcdonalds

Cakemasons owns u