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Title:Buttersauce aka dmzpkts
Created:May 14th, 2021
Created by: Soldier
Views: 383
Comments: 0
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Please enjoy the autobiography we wrote in your behalf. All information is public data we gathered because you are a dumb jackass with no #OpSec. #ProTip If your going to be a l337 haxor be sure not to d0x yourself through your ego faggotry...please and thank you ~The management ################################################################################################################## ############################################################################### Hi My name is *ButterSauce/dmzpkts* and this is my d0x, I am a prime example of internetting gone wrong. I spend all my time running irc.rootd.it server and conning people instead of getting a real job. I love to d0x people,instigate bullshit, create drama, throw my weight around. I am here because I threaten to d0x and hax0r innocent people. I am an internet bully and attempt to intimidate,threaten,extort,defame and black mail others and threaten to get them swatted or ddos their servers because I am butthurt. I am about to be more butthurt because I think I am a leet haxor who runs everything and how dare you tell me no! But I Am so l337 my lack of #OpSec did me in. On a side note, my lack of #OpSec is even bigger than my self created god complex that I use to over compensate for my lack of a real penis. My prescious dick stopped growing when I was five, I wet my pillow with my tears at night sometimes because girls laugh at my little baby dick, but my mommy says I am special. Please grab some popcorN and enjoy my d0x. also: I am currently hoteling it.... But I of course will try to coerce, beg or beligerantly demand money and donations to pay for my pathetic non working broke loser ass. Please help me because I am l337 (pauses for tears). Cash only please... Because The MArio brothers stole my bit coin wallet and pacman took over my pathetic excuse for a broke back paypal account! *Disclaimer* all money will probably be used on meth, booze, women's clothing and makeup. ############ lol ALIASES ############ bUTTERSAUCE bLAH9 dmzpkts spindizy sCOTT DJ SPINDIZY WEINGARTNER SCOTT DJ SPINDIZY DJ SPINDIZY ############ lol FRIENDS ############ PATRICK PRIME TIME WILCYNSKI https://www.facebook.com/phwilczynski?fref=st ################ lol FAIL AN HERO ################ http://pastebin.com/CbhjWxz5 https://twitter.com/anonbuttersauce/status/301993926787739648/photo/1 ################# lol DEMOGRAPHICS ################# NAME:Scott Robert Weingartner Squeezed out of my moms infected vag on:2/24/82 EYES:blue HAIR:strawberry blonde HEIGHT:5'11 WIEGHT:210 AGE:31 ######################################## PHOTOS: note...meth folks not even once ######################################## https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000005053539-tvfm3w-t200x200.jpg?8864323 http://pictures.wayn.com/photos/180c/001035520_643246370.jpg http://www.justmugshots.com/img/1669335/lg/scott-robert-weingartner.jpg http://www.mugshotsonline.com/listing/scott-robert-weingartner/mug-shot-103060181.jpg http://attrition.org/archive/irc.anarcom.net/spindizy/ http://puu.sh/2Te63.png ######### ADDRESSES ######### hotels in Lenexa, Overland Park areas of KS 14980 W 123RD CIR #207 514 NW 7th St Abilene, KS 67410 2375 Milo Rd Abilene, KS 67410 Kansas City, MO N Cedar, KS ############## PHONE NUMBERS: ############## (785) 263-0870=Landline/Southwestern Bell registered to:Scott R Weingartner registered at:514 NW 7th St Abilene, KS 67410 line type:Landline ############# CONVICTIONS: ############## I sell dope around a school, Because I am a thug gangster and shit! #ThugLife http://www.justmugshots.com/kansas/olathe/1669335 http://www.mugshotsonline.com/kansas/lenexa/scott-robert-weingartner/103060181 ################## lol EMAIL ADDRESS ################## scott.weingartner@gmail.com-confirmed MX Records Exchange IP Address 1gmail-smtp-in. l.google.com 2alt1.gmail-smtp-in. l.google.com 3alt2.gmail-smtp-in. l.google.com 4alt3.gmail-smtp-in. l.google.com 5alt4.gmail-smtp-in. l.google.com spindizy@gmail.com -CONFIRMED MX Records Exchange IP Address 1gmail-smtp-in. l.google.com 2alt1.gmail-smtp-in. l.google.com 3alt2.gmail-smtp-in. l.google.com 4alt3.gmail-smtp-in. l.google.com 5alt4.gmail-smtp-in. l.google.com spindizy@ikansas.com-CONFIRMED ikansas.com appears to be a valid mail server. MX Records Exchange IP Address 1 ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.com 2 ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.com 3 aLT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.com 4 ASPMX2.GOOGLEMAIL.com 5 ASPMX3.GOOGLEMAIL.com ###################### lol OCCUPATION: ###################### Information Technology and Services Professional (Information Technology and Services) lol you wish bud ......................................................................................................... ######################## lol SCOTTS SOCIAL MEDIA ######################## https://twitter.com/anonbuttersauce https://twitter.com/dmzpkts https://twitter.com/spindizy https://www.myspace.com/451021167 https://www.myspace.com/57010495 https://www.facebook.com/spindizy https://secure.gravatar.com/spindizy https://soundcloud.com/spindizy http://imgur.com/user/spindizy http://www.wayn.com/profiles/2183363#wall http://cgi.resourceindex.com/users/spindizy.html https://opendesktop.org/usermanager/search.php?username=Spindizy http://www.reddit.com/user/spindizy http://lifestream.aol.com/stream/spindizy http://spindizy.deviantart.com/ http://s231.photobucket.com/user/spindizy/profile http://www.pandora.com/profile/spindizy http://www.ustream.tv/user/spindizy http://www.linkedin.com/pub/scott-weingartner/58/a73/718 http://spindizy.livejournal.com/ https://spindizy.wordpress.com/2012/05/18/its-amazing-the-things-that-change-in-a-year/ https://github.com/spindizy http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/93254 ........................................................................................... ############################### LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL FAMILY ################################ #1:Elizabeth Weingartner DEMOGRAPHICS ############## AGE:63 PHONE:785-263-8424 type of line:Landline Carrier:Southwestern Bell DOB:5/1950 ADDRESS:2375 Milo Rd Abilene, KS 67410 EDUCATION:HIGHSCHOOL STATUS:SINGLE Relatives ########### Stephen Weingartner Scott Weingartner Buffy Weingartner Address History ############### Lawrence, KS Hopkins, SC Madison, KS Abilene, KS .......................................................................................... #2:Patricia Weingartner DEMOGRAPHICS ############# AKA:Patti Weingartner AGE:53 PHONE:785-263-8424 type of line:Landline Carrier:Southwestern Bell DOB:6/1959 ADDRESS:2375 Milo Rd Abilene, KS 67410 STATUS:MARRIED Address History: ############## Columbia, MO Wichita, KS Manhattan, KS Aliases: ########## P Weingartner Patti O Knox Patricia M OMalley Knox Patricia OMalley Patricia OMalley Knox Patricia Weingartner Relatives: ########### Steve OMalley Edwin Knox Stephen Weingartner Scott Weingartner Michael Omalley Norman Omalley Ruth Omalley Steve Omalley-knox .......................................................................................... #3:Steve F Weingartner DEMOGRAPHICS ############ AKA:Stephen F Weingartner AGE:60 PHONE:785-263-8424 type of line:Landline Carrier:Southwestern Bell DOB:6/1952 addresses live/lived ADDRESS:2375 Milo Rd Abilene, KS 67410 ADDRESS:719 Old 40 Abilene, KS 67410 ADDRESS:103 S Lincoln St Enterprise, KS 67441 ADDRESS:2411 Highway 43 Abilene, KS 67410 ADDRESS:742 Missouri St Lawrence, KS 66044 ADDRESS:2411 Highway 43 Abilene, KS 67410 STATUS:UNKNOWN .......................................................................................... #4:Buffy A Weingartner DEMOGRAPHICS ############ AGE:60 PHONE:(785) 263-8424 type of line:Landline Carrier:Southwestern Bell EMAIL:buffy@ikansas.com ikansas.com appears to be a valid mail server. MX Records Exchange IP Address 1 ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.com 2 ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.com 3 aLT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.com 4 ASPMX2.GOOGLEMAIL.com 5 ASPMX3.GOOGLEMAIL.com DOB:7/1952 addresses live/lived ADDRESS:2411 Highway 43 Abilene, KS 67410 ADDRESS:103 S Lincoln St Enterprise, KS 67441 ADDRESS:2411 Highway 43 Abilene, KS 67410 STATUS:MARRIED OCCUPATION:SELF EMPLOYED EDUCATION:HIGHSCHOOL .................................................................................................................. SCOTT karma HAS OWNED YOU, we suggest you take this song to heart and grow up *wink *wink ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvWj18LeU1g ~ remember Buttersauce/dmzpkts, real thugs don't cry!