|                      0x01  Introduction                       |

Dumb Muslim who thinks he knows it all, fucking autistic fuck that should just drop off the face of the earth. :)))))

                       Personal Information                   
Name: Hamza Shalabi
Race: Muslim
Ethnicity: Muslim
Gender; Male
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single (Child Predator)
Age: 17
Country: United States 
Postal Code: 75604
Online Alias: Busak / 1v1fam
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIO9QGHA8opTgpCXt6yIPlQ
Discord: 1v1Fam#0051
Greetings citizens of the world, we are the cement munchers.

We have compiled a preliminary DOX on this individual due to their
actions. This DOX has been uploaded on to the internet in retaliation to this person being a child predator / fucking nonce.

Yours Sincerely ~ The Cement Munchers

We eat cement, Fear us Because we will eat yours.
We show no mercy for Muslims.