Lil nigga left me 3 eggs instead of the annual 14, so heres what that nigga finna get boy...
Name: Peter Cottontail

Occupation: Chief Easter Bunny

Age: Ageless (but rumored to be around 100 years old)

Hobbies: Hopping around, decorating eggs, and planning elaborate egg hunts

Favorite Treat: Carrot cake with extra frosting


-    Expert egg decorator
-   Master of disguise (can blend in with other rabbits)
-   Skilled in hide-and-seek (especially with Easter eggs)

Personality Traits:

-   Cheerful and energetic
-   Exceptionally generous
-   Great with kids and loves making them smile

Special Abilities:

-   Can travel around the world in a single night
-   Has a magical basket that never runs out of candy and eggs
-   Can hop at super speeds

Fun Fact: Peter Cottontail once won the "Most Creative Egg Design" award in the Great Bunny Egg Decorating Contest.

Peter Cottontail's Easter Headquarters;
Springtime Meadows
Bunny Lane, Carrot County
Easterland, 12345
United Hopping Kingdom

Face in ascii art version;
  (o  o)  
  (  "  )  
