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The age of consent in Bulgaria: https://www.ageofconsent.net/world/bulgaria

Pedophile lives don't matter! 
➪ Reason: 
#1: He want sex from a 13 years old girl!
#2: He sended his dick to a 13 years old kid!
#2: Begged for the nudes of a kid! 

◘ Info - 
   Legal Names: Jordan Vladimirov Penev
   Born in: December 27, 1960
   Unique citizenship number: 6012273980
   Religion: Christian (i don't believe this)
   weight: 108kg
◘ Location - 
    ◙ City: Pleven
      Zip Codes:  5800
      Country: Bulgaria
      Time zone: EET/Eastern European Time
◘ Number/Email - 
    ◙ +359894432357
      Telecom: Telenor
    ◙ Email: jpenev138@gmail.com

         .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-. 
       .'   `._.'   `._.'   `._.'   `._.'   `._.'   `._.'   `._.'   `._.'   `.
⁍ Face Pics - 
    ➼ https://imgur.com/a/1qg4jra and https://imgur.com/a/du1dWwS 

⁍ Socials -
    ➼ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100049054752933

⁍ Credits -
#: I stoled the format from this guy: 

(i don't remember from where i stoled the skull ascii)