his name : David papai marius vasile
his dad name : Marius Papai
his number :0749 784 698
 his mom name : Anabela Papai
 his mom facebook : https://ro-ro.facebook.com/anabela.papai
 his dad facebook : https://www.facebook.com/mariuspapai.papai 
sum photo of his family and him : https://imgur.com/a/dIQqZhY
 his dad number : 0752659028
 car plate : MM 61 DAV 
School he goes : Liceul Tehnologic Alexiu Berinde
 town : Seini
addres : str. seinel , approach barajul seini
discord :fightjet
instagram :z1xyletzuu
Reason of dox : Scam and annoying