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Reason for doxx: Flirting with minors the age of 14 and younger
Name: Bryan Vandaelen
height: 5'5
Alias: bryanappeltje
Date Of Birth: November 8th 2006
*Location Information
Continent: Europe 
Address: Gullegemsesteenweg 52, 8501 Kortrijk, Belgium
city: Kortrijk
sub-municipality: Bissegem
State/Region: West Vlaanderen
Country: Belgium
Latitude: 50.825427 (50°49'31.5"N)
Longitude: 3.226310 (3°13'34.7"E)
*IP Information:
IP Address:
ISP: Proximus NV
*Social Media Accounts:
discord user: bryanappeltje#1186
discord UID: 595220276749402141
SnapChat: bryanvanda_2020
Instagram: bryan_vandaelen
Mother: Cindy Delannoy Age 47
Father: thierry Vandaelen Age 50
Brother:Kevin Vandaelen 31
Half brother: Meysem Delannoy 11 
Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1205111942155599923/1205115643293077575/kawai.png?ex=65d73267&is=65c4bd67&hm=adbbd769c4c7c72cc192dad36920d13b58b82a749eecb26e58bd71222d43cb06&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=157&height=249
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