DISGUSTING LOSER THAT SEXUALLY ASSAULTED ME AND LEAKED MY PRIVATE INFO. SHE MANIPULATED ME AND HARASSED ME FOR SEVEN MONTHS, AND OTHERS FOR EVEN LONGER. SHE BEGGED ME FOR TIT PICS DESPITE KNOWING I WAS UNDERAGE. SHE HAS A PISS KINK, FOOT KINK, AND BREASTMILK KINK. TWO CAN PLAY AT THAT GAME, WREN. <3 --- INFORMATION: Image: https://iili.io/dNvV16v.jpg Image 2: https://iili.io/dNvs0ap.jpg Age: 15 Sex: Female DOB: 02/07/2009 (MM/DD/YYYY) Race: Black, mixed Sexual identity: Aroace Gender identity: Agender Pronouns: She/her, it/its Legal name: Brooke Leona Simmons Mother's name: Kennethia Simmons Number: +1 301-242-1247 Citizenship: Citizen of the United States Home Adress: 2503 Violet Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215 Height: -5"3 Weight: 150 lbs Roblox: theinker0 Youtube: ericlover7 Email: e6879510@gmail.com Tiktok: bbbbbbbbbguns Discord: ttumutt. Discord 2: bemybabyboy Discord 3: th3horrorofourlov3 (Suspended) Likes: Homestuck, Falsettos, Hot Freaks, Class of '09, Of Montreal, MSI, Heathers, Fairly Odd Parents, SML, Gravity Falls, Voidbound Aliases: Jay, Wren, Macon, Skylar, BJ, June, Crow, Daniel, Eric, MJ, Junco, Ermerz Reasoning: Piss kink, breast milk kink, foot kink, endo sys- tem, claiming to have autism, ageregressing for kink reasons, lying for pity, grooming minors, doxxing minors, leaking nude images of minors, manipulating minors, sexuality exploiting minors, proshipping, saying slurs she can't reclaim, seducing minors, pressuing people to send nudes, begging minors to en- gage in sexual interactions, cyberbullying minors, romantiz- ing sexual assault, romantizing rape, romantizing sexual re- lationships between adults and minors, lying about age to re- ceive nude images, masturbating on her period, engaging with extreme fetish content, sexualizing mental illness, sexualiz- ing mental disabilities, sexually assaulting minors, bodyshaming someone with an eating disorder, having a victim complex, manipulating, fatshaming, homophobia, transphobia, faking DID, bodyshaming, blaming his actions on his "alters," masturbating to child pornography, romantizing pedophiles, racism, ablism, being stupid, and being a big, fat, loser. --- 🎶 DANCE TO THE BEAT, WAVE YOUR HANDS TOGETHER! COME FEEL THE HEAT FOREVER AND FOREVER! LISTEN AND LEARN, IT IS TIME FOR PRANCING! NOW WE ARE HERE WITH CARAMELL DANCING!! 🎶 - XOXO, G <3