|                            Introduction                       |
Makes irl threats to people and doxes people for no reason so overall a piece of shit

|                        Personal Information                   |
Name: Kyle Shenton
Location: Telford
Age: 16, 24th October 2007
Education : Telford Priory Secondary School
Occupation: Unemployed
Relationship Status: Taken - Leona Davies

|                        Social Media Accounts                  |
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kyle.shenton.927
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kyle.shen116/
Discord: 1127577926108463134
Discord: 728304830992482401
steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199239127724

|                          alias names                          |
British tea
ryan wheeler

|                     Family Members Information                |

Name: Steven Robert Shenton
Location: Telford
Age: 37 , 18th March 1987
Education: Ercall Wood Technology College(1998-2003) , TCAT - Telford College of Arts and Technology (2005-2008)
Occupation: IT Manager at TA Education
Relationship Status: Single
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steveshenton
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steshenton/

Name: Kirsti Bourton
Location: Telford
Education: Abraham Darby School
Occupation: Catering assistant at Caterlink Jobs
Relationship Status: Single
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kirsti.bourton.5 

Name: Charlie Shenton 
D.O.B 22nd June 2013

Name: Ella Shenton 
D.O.B 18th October 2015

Name: Leona Davies
Location: Telford
Age: 16, 16th December 2007
Education: N/A
Occupation: Unemployed
Relationship Status: Taken - Kyle Shenton
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leona.davies.566
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xo_leona.davies/