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	<-------------  Brianna The Dumb Pedophile -------------->
          <---------   DOXED BY (Keski, 1tacey, Jam)  ---------->

Let's stick to the old format ~
And let's go back in time.

Table Of Contents
0x01 Reason for Dox
0x02 Basic Information
0x03 Advanced Information
0x04 Social Medias
0x05 Internet Info
0x06 Location
0x07 Family Members
0x08 Pictures
0x09 Conclusion
[0x01 Reason for Dox.]

Being a pedophile,
She plays roblox when having a kid,
She's a poor robloxian,
Her boyfriend/babydaddy left her so she edates minors below 14,

You have a whole child and you use discord/ROBLOX for socializing purposes, have a kid to look after
and you beef people on roblox and edate them when you have a babydaddy who ran away, L . 

[0x02 Basic Information]
First  Name:  Brianna (Confirmed)
Middle Name:  Marie (Confirmed)
Last   Name:  Bartels  (Confirmed)
Full   Name:  Brianna Marie Bartels (Confirmed)
DoB ; Date of Birth:  April 1999 ( Unconfirmed )
[0x03 Advanced Information] 
Address:    2535 S Widener Ave, Decatur IL 62521-9529  (Confirmed)
Timezone:   Central Daylight Time ; Time zone in Illinois (GMT-5)(Confirmed)
Phone Number: (Unconfirmed)
Phone Carrier: ((Unconfirmed)
[0x04 Social Medias]
Discord            :   ((Unconfirmed)
Previous Discord   :   xItsYoGurlBrianna#3568 ( Confirmed )
Facebook           :  https://www.facebook.com/brianna.bartels.7 ( Confirmed )
Youtube            :  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxjvi0794q7Cf6HqNa5lggA (Confirmed)
Twitter            :  https://twitter.com/iibreezyqueenii?lang=en ( Confirmed)
Roblox             :  https://www.roblox.com/users/66034216/profile ( Confirmed )
Tiktok             :  https://www.tiktok.com/@iibreezyqueenii?lang=en ( Confirmed )
[0x05 Internet Info]
[0x06 Location] 
Geolocation Information
Country:      America, United States (Confirmed)
State/Region: Illinois (Confirmed)
City:        Decatur
Area Code:    +217
Postal Code:  62521-9529
School Name: ( She Graduated )
[0x07 Family Members] - Discontinued for now :)

Father Name: Timothy L Bartels , Aged 55 ( Confirmed )
Mothers Name: Samantha M Bartels , Aged 45 ( Confirmed )
Fathers Phone Number: (217) 520-8602 ( Confirmed )
Mothers Phone Number: (217) 864-0582 ( Confirmed )
[0x08 Pictures]

Picture #1: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/749043056258580500/749044227593207979/image0.png
Picture #2: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/764220054064726055/764232257211727902/unknown.png
Picture #3: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/764220054064726055/764232320348848219/94423284_2579154949062072_3640330648486412288_n.png
Picture #4: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/764220054064726055/764231984381689896/a401a4e9afa66adadfe002d29237b588.png
Picture #5: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/764220054064726055/764225504336150528/unknown.png

[0x09 Conclusion]

Family Members 
April Marie Bartels {Stepsister}
Misty Kemper {Sister}
Elizabeth Bartels {Sister}
Timothy Bartels {Father}
Jon Whitmer {Cousin}
Walter Stucke {Cousin}
Kate Whitmer {Cousin}
Jenny Whitmer {Grandmother}
Bryson Bartels {Nephew}
Ellie Marie Bartels {Daughter}