Brian St. Peter, pervert and child molester ran and doxed by @l.ipdowned.l and @unknown.anonymous.33 Name: Brian St. Peter Age: 20 Location: Pittsfield, Massachusetts Graduated Taylor Middle High School Instagram: @stpeterbrian Facebook: Family members: Father: Barry St. Peter Location: Pittsfield Massachusetts Works at Starbase Technologies Graduated Southwick High School 1978 Moved from Westfield, Massachusetts on 9/20 Facebook: Mother: Misty Dawn Slack-St Peter From Sheffield, Pennsylvania Current Location: Pittsfield Massachusetts Works at Financial Institution Facebook: Reason: Sexually assaulted a 14 y/o girl and denies it. Proof was shown and he left the chat and blocked me lmao Pedophile doxed by @l.ipdowned.l and @unknown.anonymous.33