First Name: Brandon
Last Name: Musselle
Age: 17
Phone Number: +44 07309 593899

Known Friends (Phone Numbers):
Angelus: +44 07894 389505
Anna (Angelus' Girlfriend): +44 07960 168340
Bailey Curtis: +44 07554 854946
George Richards: +44 07591 635900
Camille Lucas: +44 07432 342973
Eve Highley: +44 07538 884575
Freddy Mayor: +44 07884 010538

State of parents:
Mother: Alive
Dad: Alive (Ran away)

House Pets: None

Ex-Girlfriend (Phone number): +44 07756 483948
Employment Status: Unemployed

Girlfriend: Charlotte Cox
Employment Status: Subway

Place of education: Weston College (Knightstone Campus)

Regularly Visited Places: Weston

Country: United Kingdom
Street: The Paddock
House Number: 20
State: Portishead
Postal  Code: BS20 6QX

Picture of House: