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$2y$12$0BOLE5x8t4Hw3rv.XG0k9eD3nKnFqSt.HAbgeX3CddVWCEmzQe4va (Use The Brain :D)
Reason for Dox: Wanna Be E-Thug.
*Personal Information:
Full Name: Will Davies
Email: bopgaming666@gmail.com || bopgaming777@gmail.com
Alias: Bop32 || BopHack || BopHackS || BopHack$ || AimbotWill
Mother: Belinda Lovett
Mothers Cell: (619) 727-3707
Father: Derrell Lamont Davies
Fathers Cell: (619) 940-8144
Picture Of Father: https://imgur.com/a/w0B4tD8
*Location Information
Address: 4667 60th St
Area Code: 619
Zip: 92115
City: San Diego
State: California
Country: United States
*IP Information:
IP Address:
ISP: Spectrum
Hostname: cpe-70-95-74-61.san.res.rr.com
*Social Media Accounts:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtiNfJMZ98bM5lBLdIF9yQ || https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC17r7xvblZR49blpD3E4Yow
Discord: BopHack#2370
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198998230030
Hypixel: https://hypixel.net/members/slushy_toucan.2914843/
Dropped By 

$2y$12$0BOLE5x8t4Hw3rv.XG0k9eD3nKnFqSt.HAbgeX3CddVWCEmzQe4va (Use The Brain :D)