
Date: 21.05.2021
Title: Robert("Bobby") Ragsdale - Mr. Famous

All doxxes are that of pedophiles.
---------------------  Prologue  --------------------------

--> Robert ("Bobby") Ragsdale, better known as self-proclaimed "Mr. Famous," is a 33-year-old man
who engaged in a serious, committed, sexual and romantic relationship with a 14-year-old girl...
Who just happened to be TEN people on the internet, only a few being actual females. Nevertheless, 
he was greeted with voice actors to gather the evidence, and finally, after our hard work, he was met
with our decoy's big brother, who scared him off. Ragsdale promptly disconnected his phone number (this
guy is so stupid that he went out and bought a new phone), made a new Instagram account
(the username being exactly the same as the last, only with numbers at the end) and rejoined Facebook (from 
where he originally acquired the name "Mr. Famous." With our investigation complete, we had some laughs and 
recollected his new information. Enjoy. :)

-----------------  Basic Information  ---------------------

                  Identity Information

First Name..............Robert

Last Name...............Ragsdale

Age.....................Thirty-Three (33)

Sex.....................Male (M)

Aliases.................Bobby Ragsdale, Mr. Famous

                 Appearance Information

Race/Ethnicity...........White (Caucasian)

Hair.....................Short, Brown




Weight...................130-140 lbs

Tattoos..................Some type of fucked up ninja 
                         turtle on bicep.

                   Personal Information

Phone....................Disconnected! (731) 618 9528

Address..................114 Loop Rd; Trenton, TN 38382




Sexual Orientation.......Heterosexual

                    Home Information


Occupants................Robert Ragsdale (target), Janice Ragsdale (target's mother)

Home Type................Trailer Home


Description..............Plastic folds on exterior, windows on front and back, scribbles
                         all over the interior walls.

               Information & Evidence Links

Evidence: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SHlGkLBG0g_B-Ut5cxowY3Z7h618K7sg?usp=sharing

Physical Appearance: https://instagram.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-19/s150x150/178910305_188901729619611_6771142223944448720_n.jpg?tp=1&_nc_ht=instagram.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_ohc=IEYvGurnrHcAX_YbYuj&edm=ABfd0MgBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oh=e0986281b9efc4f518bd0b5b4b4e94c7&oe=60AE5A57&_nc_sid=7bff83


VaLoR - Credits:
Leader: @arch.py
Leader: @_s0c._.bunny_
Leader: @__silky.soft__
Member: @v1xxsl1ts
Member: @roman_vile14
Member: @op.wakeup_v2
Member: @valor.shady
Member: @lefty.chv2
Member: @havoc.darkguardian
Member: xx_iamlegion_xx