Boba4k Dox

Reasons for Dox

➤ Known for being a nuisance with a superiority complex

➤ Insides Groups for fun and destroys builds as well as harasses members

➤ Everyone including him is blaming Fishy for this Dox

➤ In response Fishy was doxxed. 

Lmfao I did the dox you retards Fishy had nothing to do with this

Personal Info

➤ Sage M Cellini 

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           |___[_]_________[_]___|                Clown ass nigga.
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➤ Father
Michael A Cellini

➤ Mother
Olivia Cellini

➤ Brother
Pheonix A Cellini

Home Information
              /.-. '----------.
              \'-' .--"--""-"-' (Opening your door)

➤ 2575 Johnson Rd, Schenectady, NY 12302

➤ 2336 Square Feet

➤ 46.4 acres of land

➤ 4 bed 3 bath

➤ Built in 1941 and bought by family in 2005

HH  |||||||||||||   HH        Your interview for clown of the year.
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You're next Soloditto!

Your friend,
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