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║Table Of Contents                                          ║
║ →     0x01 Introduction...................................║
║ →     0x02 Reason.........................................║
║ →     0x03 Personal Information...........................║
║ →     0x04 Social Media Platforms.........................║
║ →     0x05 Screenshot Proof...............................║
-+-                 0x01 Introduction                   -+-
BobMert is a guy I token logged but then I saw the token
logs and IP farms people from his and his friend's
mc servers. He also downloads cracked plugins XD
-+-                 0x02 Reason                         -+-
This dude token and IP farms people but then gets token
logged -_-
-+-                 0x03 Personal Information           -+-
Full Name: Holden Precourt
Phone Number: (315) 909-5994
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[Address 1]
Full Address: 6939 Blue Cut Road, New York, Newark 14513
Street: Blue Cut Road
Town/City: Newark
Country: USA
Postal Code: 14513
-+-                 0x04 Social Media Platforms         -+-
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE9GfDH6dgOg6ocPy1wTsMQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/139204066841813
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/tuupyvcw3rojfsiviok8tannx
-+-                 0x05 Screenshot Proof               -+-
IP Farming: https://prntscr.com/131xvmt
Token Logging: https://prntscr.com/131xzan