♛ Doxed By: Anti Hackers Hacker Club ♛
                                                          -  fuck hackers  -

Disclaimer: All of the following information was legally gathered. This dox was intended for anyone of non malicious intent or
harassment ????????. If yr not a dumbass, you'll understand.

Introduction/Reason for dox: "This dumbass hacker managed to persuade me into downloading his token logger and then stole 
all my credit card information, then went on a crazy shopping spree spending 500 dollars before I finally caught on, but the 
lil shit had me Ratted too so he got all my personal info whatsoever and then he reverse proxied into my blockchain account and took
all of my bitcoin, now I'm broke as shit and have contacted relevant authorities to get this kid arrested." ~our client when contacting

                                                       ♛ General Info: ♛

                                                      Name: Matthew Evans (aka Bluee, !                Bluee)
                                                      Address: Concerto Tower, 189 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth WA 6004, Australia 
                                                      City: Perth
                                                      State: West Australia
                                                      Country: Australia
                                                      Phone: N.A
                                                      Age: 17
                                                      Email: gotyoutoken@protonmail.com

                                                        ♛ Family Info: ♛


                                                        Name: Angelina Evans 
                                                        Address: Bekesbourne Lane, Littlebourne, Canterbury, Kent CT3                  
                                                        Phone: N.A

							Name: Trevor Evans 
                                                        Address: Bekesbourne Lane, Littlebourne, Canterbury, Kent CT3                  
                                                        Phone: N.A

							Name: Otto Evans							       

                                                           ♛ ????????????????????: ♛

                                                             Discord:!                Bluee#9420 (or anything similar he gets termed a lot)
                                                             Facebook:none (this aint 2010)
                                                        IP Scan Information:

                                                           IP Address:
                                                             Country: Australia
                                                             Browser: Opera
                                                         Operating System: MacOS Big Sur
                                                             Device: Apple Macbook Pro M1
                                                              Host Name:
                                                              ISP:Lumity Technology Solutions Pty
                  https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/815132295169441796/835392858781515856/unknown.png (him in the front)
                    (he's never sent a pic with his face anywhere on the internet)

                                                      Other Information Below:

                            He's stolen a lot of money and committed many credit card frauds before 
                     and he's completely stone cold when it comes to taking the money and converting it into btc 
                         please teach this piece of shit a lesson. ~ Anti HaCkErS Hacker Club.                                                      


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