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'-.__/_ / .\ ( ) \';;;;;'/ | | /. \ \/_/ (` `) \';;;'/ '-._| \_\/ '-/ \-' '._.' ` """ /.`\ \|_/ +-------------------------------------------+ | Reasons | +-------------------------------------------+ ▀█▀ █▀█ ▀▄▀ █ █▀▀ ░█░ █▄█ █░█ █ █▄▄ > Constantly rants about being better then everybody else, brags about his hvhing skills, claims other people's work as his own, and constantly tell's people to kill themselves. +-------------------------------------------+ | Loading Doxx.txt.... | +-------------------------------------------+ █▀▄ █▀█ ▀▄▀ ▀▄▀ █▀▀ █▀▄   █▄▄ █▄█   ▀█▀ █▀█ ▄▀█ █▄░█ █▀█ █░█ █ █░░ █ ▀█ █▀▀ █▀█ █▀▄ ▄▀█ █▀█ ▀█▀ █▄▀ █▄█ █░█ █░█ ██▄ █▄▀   █▄█ ░█░   ░█░ █▀▄ █▀█ █░▀█ ▀▀█ █▄█ █ █▄▄ █ █▄ ██▄ █▀▄ █▄▀ █▀█ █▀▄ ░█░ +-------------------------------------------+ | Personal Info | +-------------------------------------------+ > Alias(s)............... Bloom/BloomHvH > Full Name.............. Nathan Brown > Age.................... 15 > School................. Bishop Alemany High School > Grade.................. Freshman (10th Grade) > Occupation............. N/A > Phone Number........... (323) 754-3804 > Email(s)............... BloomHvH@gmail.com > Date Of Birth.......... 5/26/2005 > Relationship Status.... Single Af > Picture(s)............. N/A > Adderess............... 1209 W 121st St. Los Angeles > Card Info.............. N/A +-------------------------------------------+ | Paypl | +-------------------------------------------+ > Paypal Email(s)........ BloomHvH@gmail.com > Linked Phone #......... 5/26/2005 > Security Question 1.... N/A > Security Question 2.... N/A > Security Question 3.... N/A +-------------------------------------------+ | Social Media | +-------------------------------------------+ > Facebook............... N/A > Twitter................ N/A > Youtube................ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC174g8FFZXGf10fK9--etzQ/ > Deviantart............. N/A > Skype.................. N/A > Discord................ TranquilizerDart#3076 > Github................. N/A > Pandora................ N/A > Spotify................ N/A > Instagram(s)........... https://www.instagram.com/nathan.brown375/ > Pintrest............... N/A > Steam Profile(s)....... https://steamcommunity.com/id/bloomhvh/ +-------------------------------------------+ | IP Info | +-------------------------------------------+ > IP Adderesss........... > Country................ United States > State.................. California > City................... Los Angeles > Timezone............... Pacific Timezone > ISP.................... SuperNetwork > Static/Dynamic......... Static +-------------------------------------------+ | Home Info | +-------------------------------------------+ > Built in............... N/A > Stores................. N/A > Estimated Value........ N/A > Beds................... N/A > Baths.................. N/A > Square Feet............ N/A +-------------------------------------------+ | Database Entries | +-------------------------------------------+ None +-------------------------------------------+ | Court Records | +-------------------------------------------+ Court Record(s).......... ??? +-------------------------------------------+ | Credits | +-------------------------------------------+ > Credit(s)................ Massacre (for doxx format thingy)