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|Reason of this Doxx|
She cheated on my bestfriend and it took him 2 years to get into a relationship again

|Personality data|
Name: Flora
Age: 16
Birthday: 08.12.2007
Discord name: flora.mii
Snapchat name: floramisimi
Tiktok name: flora.mi11
Tiktok follower: 36
Following: 222

|Network data|

Country	 Germany [DE]
   Region	Bayern
   City	Munich
   Coordinates of City 	48.137430, 11.575490 (48°8'15"N   11°34'32"E)
   ISP	Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
   Local Time	14 Jun, 2024 02:22 PM (UTC +02:00)
   Domain	telefonica.de
   Net Speed	(DSL) Broadband/Cable/Fiber/Mobile
   IDD & Area Code	(49) 089
   ZIP Code	80331
   Weather Station	-
   Mobile Carrier	O2
   Mobile Country Code	262
   Mobile Network Code	07
   Elevation	517m
   Usage Type	ISP/MOB
   Address Type	(U) Unicast
   Category	(IAB19-18) Internet Technology
   District	Upper Bavaria
   ASN	AS6805 Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co.OHG
   Olson Time Zone	Europe/Berlin
Proxy Data
The proxy data uses IP2Proxy PX11 proxy database.

   Anonymous Proxy	No
   Proxy Country	-
   Proxy Region	-
   Proxy City	-
   Proxy ISP	-
   Proxy Domain	-
   Proxy Usage Type	-
   Proxy Type	-
   Proxy ASN	-
   Threat	-
   Last Seen	-
   Provider	-

|Extra information|
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    "zip_code": "80331",
    "time_zone": "+02:00",
    "asn": "6805",
    "as": "Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co.OHG",
    "isp": "Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG",
    "domain": "telefonica.de",
    "net_speed": "DSL",
    "idd_code": "49",
    "area_code": "089",
    "weather_station_code": "GMXX0087",
    "weather_station_name": "Munich",
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    "geotargeting": {
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