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Full name- Lateesha Daneen Scott 
Address- 8370 Crystal Walk Cir
Elk Grove, CA 95768
number- (209) 723-7240
1 Criminal/traffic record
3 property record associated
Email: Ldssle@aol.com

Wealth score: 76
Green Score: 18
Donor Score: 82
Travel Score: 40
Tech Score: 29
Shopping score: 61
Reason for dox:
This teacher is a bitch and has no idea what students 
go through at home and knows damn well what she does 
to students mentality and motivation. Scott thinks 
it’s okay to harass students on a daily basis and
 make them stay up all night and do work, having 
the audacity to tell students, “have a good day 
and get 8 hours of sleep.” Bitch can’t understand
 the amount of works she gives students is enough
 to make students have brain trauma. 
Teacher a bitch

doxxed by @deadly.revenge