║ 0x00                       Introduction                            DOXED BY (HerrWolfgang AKA SergeantWolfgang)║                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

                                            !!EVERYTHING WAS LEGALLY SOURCED!! 
                            PS: stop trying to impersonate police officers thats a felony bro bro
                                and go pick up ur bible fuck nigga, GOD has mercy i do not.

                                                      \       /
                                                   '-.  |   |  .-'
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                                                    `---.   .---'
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                                                 .-"`   `"`'`   `"-.
                                               .'  Ephesians 5:11   '.
                          Take no part in the fruitless works of darkness; rather expose them.                                                                                                                      
                        ║                           Table Of Contents                            ║
                        ║                ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║       
                        ║                ║         0x00 Introduction           ║                 ║                    
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                           
                        ║                ║         0x01 Context/WHY?           ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x02 Proof                  ║                 ║             
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                           
                        ║                ║         0x03 Bishop/Tayzoe          ║                 ║               
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                                      
                        ║                ║         0x04 Darius                 ║                 ║     
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                
                        ║                ║         0x05 Outro                  ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║ 
                        ║                ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝                 ║
                        ║                                                                        ║

   ║ 0x01                       Context/WHY?                            DOXED BY (HerrWolfgang AKA SergeantWolfgang)║                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

             | Proof of this is in Section 0x02
             | this guy threatens to rape peoples little brothers and threatens to rape men and he actually raped a girl, bros into futa porn (weirdo and creep)
             | sexual creeps and weirdos, literally racist to his own kind and mixed people they crys "asian hate"
             | would rather sit on twitch talking shit instead of going to school and getting a job (kids tried to jump him at school for raping a girl)
             | hope you enjoyed the shitty pizzas we sent you, and i hope you enjoy your time while it lasts make the most of it.
             | they both chat major shit online

   ║  0x02                      Proof                                   DOXED BY (HerrWolfgang AKA SergeantWolfgang)║                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

              | clip 1: https://vimeo.com/1009048874
              │ clip 2: https://youtu.be/yfGlIL-aIhA 
              │ clip 3: https://youtu.be/QtfruGxAiqc      
              | RAPE THREAT TEXT: https://ibb.co/D9sBFw5
              | Proof of pizza delivery: https://youtu.be/SPEIzEf5_2o
              | bro is down bad begging for tit pics and chatting sexually: https://ibb.co/wwj5xsR https://ibb.co/vjx5cDz
              | Picture he sent to the decoy: https://ibb.co/PcxBkBg     ╚> https://ibb.co/QjvZvJ7 https://ibb.co/Sr2rdNQ
              |                            ╚> https://ibb.co/k101smj     ╚> https://ibb.co/y4mkZRy https://ibb.co/LnvJbBZ
              |                                                          ╚> https://ibb.co/FgnzTVw https://ibb.co/FHdSsBn
              |                                                          ╚> https://ibb.co/FHdSsBn https://ibb.co/BPYc6Fq
              |                                                          ╚> https://ibb.co/6PdCvnj https://ibb.co/nQ60gDk
              |                                                          ╚> 
              |                                                          ╚> 

   ║ 0x03                      Bishop/Tayzoe                            DOXED BY (HerrWolfgang AKA SergeantWolfgang)║                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

              | admitted to being into choking women during hard sex, admitted a rape case.
              | this guy threatens to rape peoples little brothers and threatens to rape men and he actually raped a girl, bros into futa porn (weirdo and creep)
              | hope you enjoyed the shitty pizzas we sent you, and i hope you enjoy your time while it lasts make the most of it.
              | him saying weird shit and admitting to having a small dick: https://ibb.co/phhZCzn
              | Name: Bishop Burling
              | Picture he sent to the decoy: https://ibb.co/PcxBkBg https://ibb.co/k101smj
              | Face: https://ibb.co/Wg5h08T https://ibb.co/tLF8WtR https://ibb.co/gd8py0j
              | NUMBER: (204) 588-0702
              | Ethnicity: Jamaican and Filipino 
              | Address: 1279 Mcphillips St (Canada>Manitoba>Winnipeg)
              | ╚> Pic of house: https://ibb.co/VBZPXYQ
              |      ╚> POSTAL: R2X 2L7 
              | IPV4:  Shaw Communications Inc.
	      |                                 ╚> s0106749be8bb7283.wp.shawcable.net
              | Socials:
              | Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199102448132
              | Xbox: Tayzoeyt
              | Insta: https://www.instagram.com/bishopburling/ 
              |       ╚> OLD INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/tayzoeyt/
              | Tiktoks: https://www.tiktok.com/@tayzoe2 
              |             ╚> https://www.tiktok.com/@itstayzoe 
              |                   ╚> https://www.tiktok.com/@iamtayzoe
              | Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ItsTayzoe https://www.youtube.com/@TayzoeLive
              | Discord username: heatedisacuck AND tayzoee

   ║ 0x04                      Darius                                   DOXED BY (HerrWolfgang AKA SergeantWolfgang)║                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
              | this kid threatens to stab people and he is also a woman beater, just a general nuisance and online net talker.
              | Name: Darius Sapong-rean
              | Face: https://ibb.co/9WfGXwH https://ibb.co/8P87PxY https://ibb.co/D7sdFgY https://ibb.co/pQmztZ9
              | Ethnicity: Trinidadian And Cambodian
              | Address: Address: 58 Elsbury Bay  (Canada>Manitoba>Winnipeg)
              | ╚> Pic of house: https://ibb.co/tHfcnQc
              |      ╚> POSTAL: R2N 2H8
              | Socials: https://www.instagram.com/dfrnt.darius https://www.tiktok.com/@dfrnt.darius
              | Discord username: l2r2tsu
	      | School: **Dakota Collegiate** Address: 661 Dakota St, Winnipeg, MB R2M 3K3 Principal: Jill Mathez Phone: (204) 256-4366  
              |Moms insta: https://www.instagram.com/sary_rean/ Dads insta: https://www.instagram.com/ohsodfrnt/             

   ║ 0x05                       Outro                                   DOXED BY (HerrWolfgang AKA SergeantWolfgang)║                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

        @@@@@@@    @@@@@@   @@@  @@@     @@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@   
        @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@     @@@@@@@@  @@@@ @@@  @@@@@@@@  
        @@!  @@@  @@!  @@@  @@!  !@@     @@!       @@!@!@@@  @@!  @@@  
        !@!  @!@  !@!  @!@  !@!  @!!     !@!       !@!!@!@!  !@!  @!@  
        @!@  !@!  @!@  !@!   !@@!@!      @!!!:!    @!@ !!@!  @!@  !@!  
        !@!  !!!  !@!  !!!    @!!!       !!!!!:    !@!  !!!  !@!  !!!  
        !!:  !!!  !!:  !!!   !: :!!      !!:       !!:  !!!  !!:  !!!  
        :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!     :!:       :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!  
        :::: ::  ::::: ::   ::  :::      :: ::::   ::   ::   :::: ::    ..
        :: :  :    : :  :    :   ::      : :: ::   ::    :   :: :  :    ..

        Thanks for visiting! leave me a +rep if you enjoyed the LULZ <3
                             /           ".
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We are Anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget. Expect us, Bishop and Darius.