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                                               Zek0r[] x Anonymous5650 comes back
                                    with something unique. interesting. unbelievable dox. well not really a dox. but it is a paste that
                           includes a dox about Osama Bin Laden. What is this paste? Well. Me. Zek0r and Anonymous5650. My partner in crime.
                    Found out that Osama Bin Laden was in fact a CIA Agent. On the other hand. CIA denies this thing by saying that they
                never had contact with Osama Bin Laden.                             Now. Let's get into it. Have fun reading this.
 ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  
                                    Osama Bin Laden's DOX (Not made by me) (I'd give credit but it's an anonymous user)
### Full Real Name: Osama Bin Mohammed Bin Awad Bin Laden
### Born: April 10 March 1957. In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
### Died: 2 May 2011. In Abbottabad, Pakistan
### Parents: Mohammed Bin Awad Bin Laden, Hamida Al-Attas
### Religion: Islamic
### Reason of death: Gunshot
### Relatives:

#### Najwa Ghanem; Spouse;
#### Khadijah Sharif; Spouse;
#### Khairiah Sabar; Spouse;
#### Siham Sabar; Spouse;
#### Amal Ahmed al-Sadah; Spouse;
#### Abdallah bin Osama bin Mohammed bin 'Awad bin Laden; Son;
#### Hamza bin Osama bin Mohammed bin 'Awad bin Laden; Son;
#### Saʻd bin ʾUsamah bin Muhammad bin ʿAwad bin Ladin; Son;
#### Omar bin Osama bin Mohammed bin 'Awad bin Laden; Son;
 ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  
                                        How do we know that Osama Bin Laden is a CIA Agent?
### An Email was found in the CIA Database. 
#### bin_lad@cia.gov
### And that proves us the fact that he was in fact a CIA Agent. And obviously had contact with the CIA. Unlike CIA said.
 ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  
                                      CIA Denying the fact that they had ever contact with Osama Bin Laden:
U.S. government officials and a number of other parties maintain that the U.S. supported only the indigenous Afghan mujahideen. They deny that the CIA or other American officials had contact with Bin Laden, let alone armed, trained, coached, or indoctrinated him. American scholars and reporters 
have called the idea of a CIA-backed Al Qaeda "nonsense",[10] "sheer fantasy",[11] and a "common myth".[12]                                          
 ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  
 ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  
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                                 ZEK0R[] x ANONYMOUS5650 WERE HERE.