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Title:Billion Dollar Scammer Fried
Created:Jul 16th, 2023
Created by: DARKRABBIT
Views: 444
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Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Back in 2014, A website known as Grams would come online on the Tor Network it would eventually have a domain for clearnet users to copy/paste and it would do what Ulbrict did with silk road's WordPress site: Redirect to the onion they wanted. This site would be advertised in a very similar way to how Ross Advertised on Shroomry However in 2017, around the time Alphabay & Hansa were raided the admin stepped down citing issues indexing the dark web. Fast forward to May of 2019 we have our first lead in the dox that'll go unnoticed until July 14th, 2023. This will make sense in the long run. However about a month prior, dream market shut down citing a DDoS Attack. Nightmare Market would be "Rather uneffected" but for reasons you'll see soon. Since I know you want the damn Dox here you fucking go, we'll finish the lore and proof soon afterwards: usernames: kmeta impotent pulpo lovelace magadans purism tenador Vanev lliev - I'm assuming this is his name? Astonding never clarified Phone +359876070397 SSN/ID: 0342076284 Nationality: Bulgarian Country of Origin (birthplace): Bulgaria DOB: July 2nd, 2003 Age: 20 Past sites: Grams? - I think his DOB is wrong bc he'd be 11. KILOS World Market Nightmare Market Exposed Forums usernames: kmeta impotent pulpo lovelace magadans purism IRLs: https://i.ibb.co/MBbYDY3/1.jpg https://i.ibb.co/pX8YVvr/2.jpg https://i.ibb.co/FWtQcLD/3.jpg Address: Outdated, will not be addeded because I'm not trying to extract it from blackforums but it's useless. All Roads lead home... So, If you go to https://whois.com/whois/exposed.vc/ you'll see a website called: seized.seized.com, Now if you go to https://whois.com/whois/seized.com You're greeted with GoDaddy LLC (Important), and a NS "Domain Controller" or smth like that. Now if we know that's weird and he admits to running a few dark web markets i.e. KILOS We do some digging. Given PWNED Forums had the same Google Ads ID, and He ran KILOS which looked like GRAMS and from /r/dreadalert: https://www.reddit.com/r/DreadAlert/comments/t1eny0/the_truth_about_world_market/ that world market was pretty lazy and the staff was from nightmare market And they moved to world than was trying to exit scam but got caught than moved to a new market with the same rules and ToS we see a pattern of copying & reusing What they know works. Now he admits to Elude, Which once again thanks to Mental Outlaw & Dread stopping Elude when a staffer came forwad and exposed it again. Exposed & Nightmare suffer the same poor excuse of "We got hacked by insert whatever low/no skill hack here" usually SQLi or smth you'd see within the first week or two. ADMISSIONS & FAILURES: To first clarify his IRLs we must watch our most hated MSM News outlet buzzfeed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UuHn27dFpE&t=178s&pp=ygUSZGFyayB3ZWIgaW50ZXJ2aWV3 Scroll to about 15-19 seconds and his IRLs pretty much are the exact same thing. But like billy mays once said: "But wait I'm not done yet" https://i.ibb.co/QYhQZZR/image.png Behold the watch & Indirect admission and if you didn't believe me who else knows the exact brand? https://i.ibb.co/KWdNJrH/image.png Now yes he admits to that but I purposfully didn't add the world market shit on purpose to make you read the rest. https://whois.com/whois/exposed.vc/ ---> https://whois.com/whois/seized.com/ + https://domainsanalytics.com/worldmarketlinks.com/ = The same Register and everything But wait? There's more? Of course there is: https://domainsanalytics.com/kilos.exchange/ Now that says canada... Well this is important. Both me and Astonding use the 24hr time format where a lot of westerns don't. Here's the following now for the record I'm in EDT, these messages were sent at no later than 08:23 AM EDT. So, if your timezone reads 05:23 AM? There's a failure on your end: https://i.ibb.co/xhdpkvp/image.png but as you can see those would align with his voice from Buzzfeed, his choice of clothing and mentality. Assuming he's Bulgarian or Canadain It's undeniable but looking at his skin texture? He's In his 30s to early 40s. I'm assuming around 36-38 though. Lessons Learned: You're not untouchable no matter the wealth. You're not going to win against me Don't be lazy Don't reuse shit that's how "profiles" are made at every LEA office globally Credit: Myself (Dark Rabbit for the OSINT and Piecing togther the story) Astounding (https://blackforums.net's owner for the IRLs and dox) Mr. Egert (Graphical Design for the medium Article) Mental Outlaw for the Elude Exit Scam Failure Report The 2 Unnmaed Staffers for shutting Down World/Elude Dread For Helping reach More People and warning them Countless Researchers for assiting in this end of an era dox A Bronie - For Onion Jamming Tor Taxi preventing the scam from being more successful Total Known Amount Proccesed - Not final: $200,000,000+ Elude $130,000,000+ KILOS $500,000,000-$4,500,000,000+ All other markets from 2014-2023 Total Exited Amounts: $60,000+ - Exposed $20,000,000+ - Nightmare $1,600,000+ - KILOS assuming it ran for 3 Years or 156 weeks and proccessed $130M, It'll make about $830k/week assuming at any one time there's 400k that should be right World - Unknown Elude - Unknown 3rd Market that's name slipped my mind = Unknown The rest - Remaining amount.