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                                        oooooo   oooooo     oooo       .o.        .oooooo..o ooooooooooooo oooooooooooo 
                                         `888.    `888.     .8'       .888.      d8P'    `Y8 8'   888   `8 `888'     `8 
                                          `888.   .8888.   .8'       .8"888.     Y88bo.           888       888         
                                           `888  .8'`888. .8'       .8' `888.     `"Y8888o.       888       888oooo8    
                                            `888.8'  `888.8'       .88ooo8888.        `"Y88b      888       888    "    
                                             `888'    `888'       .8'     `888.  oo     .d8P      888       888       o 
                                              `8'      `8'       o88o     o8888o 8""88888P'      o888o     o888ooooood8 


                                                                 @ 0x1 | Introduction................ @
                                                                 @ 0X2 | Personal Information........ @
                                                                 @ 0x3 | Family Information.......... @
                                                                 @ 0x4 | Socials..................... @
                                                                 @ 0x5 | Credits & Outro............. @ 


|ooooo ooooo      ooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooo.     .oooooo.   oooooooooo.   ooooo     ooo   .oooooo.   ooooooooooooo ooooo   .oooooo.   ooooo      ooo 
`888' `888b.     `8' 8'   888   `8 `888   `Y88.  d8P'  `Y8b  `888'   `Y8b  `888'     `8'  d8P'  `Y8b  8'   888   `8 `888'  d8P'  `Y8b  `888b.     `8' 
 888   8 `88b.    8       888       888   .d88' 888      888  888      888  888       8  888               888       888  888      888  8 `88b.    8  
 888   8   `88b.  8       888       888ooo88P'  888      888  888      888  888       8  888               888       888  888      888  8   `88b.  8  
 888   8     `88b.8       888       888`88b.    888      888  888      888  888       8  888               888       888  888      888  8     `88b.8  
 888   8       `888       888       888  `88b.  `88b    d88'  888     d88'  `88.    .8'  `88b    ooo       888       888  `88b    d88'  8       `888  
o888o o8o        `8      o888o     o888o  o888o  `Y8bood8P'  o888bood8P'      `YbodP'     `Y8bood8P'      o888o     o888o  `Y8bood8P'  o8o        `8  

                                                                           [ 0x1 ]  

                                                                      Victim ???? Boga

                                                                Hail, xae, full of grace,
                                                                  the Lord is with thee.
                                                              Blessed art thou amongst women
                                                        and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
                                                                  Holy xae, Mother of God,
                                                                    pray for us sinners,
                                                              now and at the hour of our death. 


                  Reason To Dox: Was a cp possessor on a now defunct discord server. Also known for being an obese retard. Lives in a multifamily pedoden.

        ooooo ooooo      ooo oooooooooooo   .oooooo.   ooooooooo.   ooo        ooooo       .o.       ooooooooooooo ooooo   .oooooo.   ooooo      ooo 
        `888' `888b.     `8' `888'     `8  d8P'  `Y8b  `888   `Y88. `88.       .888'      .888.      8'   888   `8 `888'  d8P'  `Y8b  `888b.     `8' 
         888   8 `88b.    8   888         888      888  888   .d88'  888b     d'888      .8"888.          888       888  888      888  8 `88b.    8  
         888   8   `88b.  8   888oooo8    888      888  888ooo88P'   8 Y88. .P  888     .8' `888.         888       888  888      888  8   `88b.  8  
         888   8     `88b.8   888    "    888      888  888`88b.     8  `888'   888    .88ooo8888.        888       888  888      888  8     `88b.8  
         888   8       `888   888         `88b    d88'  888  `88b.   8    Y     888   .8'     `888.       888       888  `88b    d88'  8       `888  
        o888o o8o        `8  o888o         `Y8bood8P'  o888o  o888o o8o        o888o o88o     o8888o     o888o     o888o  `Y8bood8P'  o8o        `8  

                                                                                 [ 0x2 ]    

        @Main target : @Rohit Boga

        @Alias(es) : christopher

        @Full Name : Rohit Boga
        @Age : unknown 
        @DOB : unknown
        @Phone Number : +1 (973) 616-8848, +1 (973) 244-6377, +1 (610) 375-1763
        @Pic Of Him : https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E03AQH6rv1yK7eKRg/profile-displayphoto-shrink_200_200/0/1654634239444?e=1684368000&v=beta&t=4rRcucNNZ-ZwqNeL_fjcrytSzCg0uyTdU0Wb4kaXdV8
        @work place : https://www.linkedin.com/in/rohit-boga-a505b1241

        @Address : 57 Tingley Ln; Edison, NJ 08820

                                        oooooooooooo       .o.       ooo        ooooo ooooo ooooo        oooooo   oooo 
                                        `888'     `8      .888.      `88.       .888' `888' `888'         `888.   .8'  
                                         888             .8"888.      888b     d'888   888   888           `888. .8'   
                                         888oooo8       .8' `888.     8 Y88. .P  888   888   888            `888.8'    
                                         888    "      .88ooo8888.    8  `888'   888   888   888             `888'     
                                         888          .8'     `888.   8    Y     888   888   888       o      888      
                                        o888o        o88o     o8888o o8o        o888o o888o o888ooooood8     o888o

                                                                             [ 0x3 ]        

                                                          @Mother : Manohara Boga
                                                          @Mother Address : 57 Tingley Ln; Edison, NJ 08820
                                                          @Father : Murali K Boga
                                                          @Father Address : 57 Tingley Ln; Edison, NJ 08820
                                                          @Cousin : Niraj Reddy
                                                          @Cousin Address : 116 Park Gate Dr; Edison, NJ 08820

                                     .oooooo..o   .oooooo.     .oooooo.   ooooo       .o.       ooooo         .oooooo..o 
                                    d8P'    `Y8  d8P'  `Y8b   d8P'  `Y8b  `888'      .888.      `888'        d8P'    `Y8 
                                    Y88bo.      888      888 888           888      .8"888.      888         Y88bo.      
                                     `"Y8888o.  888      888 888           888     .8' `888.     888          `"Y8888o.  
                                         `"Y88b 888      888 888           888    .88ooo8888.    888              `"Y88b 
                                    oo     .d8P `88b    d88' `88b    ooo   888   .8'     `888.   888       o oo     .d8P 
                                    8""88888P'   `Y8bood8P'   `Y8bood8P'  o888o o88o     o8888o o888ooooood8 8""88888P' 

                                                                             [ 0x4 ] 



                                  .oooooo.   ooooooooo.   oooooooooooo oooooooooo.   ooooo ooooooooooooo  .oooooo..o 
                                 d8P'  `Y8b  `888   `Y88. `888'     `8 `888'   `Y8b  `888' 8'   888   `8 d8P'    `Y8 
                                888           888   .d88'  888          888      888  888       888      Y88bo.      
                                888           888ooo88P'   888oooo8     888      888  888       888       `"Y8888o.  
                                888           888`88b.     888    "     888      888  888       888           `"Y88b 
                                `88b    ooo   888  `88b.   888       o  888     d88'  888       888      oo     .d8P 
                                 `Y8bood8P'  o888o  o888o o888ooooood8 o888bood8P'   o888o     o888o     8""88888P' 

                                                                          [ 0x5 ]  

                                                            May the peace of God enfold us,
                                                              The love of God uphold us,
                                                             The wisdom of God control us.

                                                 This was the end of The Devil, hope you enjoyed it xxx

                                                                       Hail xae

Reskinned Dox
fuck pedos <3