─║║║║║║─║║─╚╗╔╝─║╚══╗─║║║║                                                                                                         ║░░░║                         EXPOSED BY R0F3DeX0                       ║     ║                                                                      

║░░░║  PERSONAL INFORMATION    ║       2024                             ║     ║

Name: Pasc Bianca Alexandra
Age: 19
Country: Romania
City: Bistrita
School: Colegiul Tehnic INFOEL, Calea Moldovei 20, Bistrița 410444
School Number: 0263 211 573
Phone Number: +40770396127
Phone Lookup: https://www.ipqualityscore.com/free-phone-number-lookup/lookup/RO/40770396127

*She used to consume drugs, unknowned substances: (Cannabis or Meth, Cristal, Snow, Bath Crystal)
*Some friends of her said that she is a whore, bitch, hoe*
*Close to 11 tattoos on her body*
*Unknowned body count, but close to 10+*

║░░░║     PERSONAL ACCOUNTS    ║                                        ║     ║

1st Instagram Account:║║║║║║ biancapasc19    https://www.instagram.com/biancapasc19/
2nd Instagram Account:║║║║║║ caciucevelina   https://www.instagram.com/caciucevelina/ 
1st Snapchat Account: ║║║║║║ alexandra.cln07
2nd Snapchat Account: ║║║║║║ evelinaaa_c
Facebook: Bianca Pasc ║║║║║║     https://www.facebook.com/bianca.pasc.73
1st TikTok Accounts:  ║║║║║║ @biancapasc    https://www.tiktok.com/@biancapasc
2nd TikTok Accounts:  ║║║║║║ @aaaalexandraaaaaaaa_    https://www.tiktok.com/@aaaalexandraaaaaaaa_

║░░░║  FAMILY/BEST FRIEND MEMBERS ACCOUNTS                              ║     ║

Best Friend Instagram: _.mire.mirela._/ ║║║║║║     https://www.instagram.com/_.mire.mirela._/
Best Friend Facebook: Mire Mirela  ║║║║║║     https://www.facebook.com/mire.mirela.319452
Sister Instagram: ║║║║║║ pasc.maria    https://www.instagram.com/pasc.maria/
Sister Facebook:  ║║║║║║ Maria Pasc    https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552786806722
Mother(possibility): Instagram: ║║║║║║ @ralucaemilia51     https://www.instagram.com/ralucaemilia51/
Mother(possibility) Facebook:   ║║║║║║ Raluca Emilia Pașc  https://www.facebook.com/raluca.emilia.568
Brother(possibility): Instagram: ║║║║║║ @pascan_01    https://www.instagram.com/pascan_01/
Brother(possibility): Tik Tok:   ║║║║║║ @ionut.pasc4    https://www.tiktok.com/@ionut.pasc4
║░░░║  PHOTOS                  ║                                        ║     ║



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