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        I do not forgive.
        I do not forget.
            Fear me.

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Dropped by: cones#8908  
Reason for Dox: Trying to be a discord packer, threatning to swat me, doxing harmless kids
║                       Basic Information                  ║
Alias: Beugy, Sentence, Felony, Staind, JUNKIEBEUG, GatorBeugs. BigDaddySlongCum, oeiufreegq98re, pullingrompers, theillicit, shadowfactory, TheGCMan, THEGCMANISCOOL
Full Name: James Drougas
Age: 16
Phone Number: 0478 745 582  
Country: Australia
Address: 53 Forest Ridge Circuit Sunshine Coast QLD
School: Peregian Springs State School
Gender: Male
Race: White
║                       Social Information                 ║
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/james.drougassss/?utm_medium=copy_link
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrYdUlgir-DDg1P4SObQ5TQ
Telegram: https://t.me/Bxugy
Snapchat: james.drougasss
Disord: Beug#2025  
║                       IP Information                     ║
IP Address:
Reverse DNS:
IP Type: Dynamic  
ISP:  Aussie Broadband
AS Number:  4764
Country: Australia  
City: Brisband
Continent: Oceania
║              Photos x Videos                             ║
Full Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904691206389399562/904692406841131008/Screenshot_21.png
Full Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904703609416069152/904703807596941332/Screenshot_22.png
Hiting A Bong: https://streamable.com/rs8qdq

- more coming soon -