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Feel free to email me with anymore information you want me to add apeshitswag@protonmail.com or apeshitswag@cocaine.ninja

Discord skid who terms / sells used accounts

Full Name: Rene Cazares

Old Address(Possibly still used): 6740 Maple Glen Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46250-4537 

Pic(s): https://a.pomf.cat/puilzo.png, https://a.pomf.cat/snxrpm.png
https://i.imgur.com/N9yjEiq.png, https://i.imgur.com/u70J2uS.png
Put 2 links for each picture incase they get taken down.

Social Media: 
(Tiktok): https://www.tiktok.com/@fymchino?
(Instagram): https://instagram.com/fastmullachino (Changes often)
(Discord): berb#0001 (784990276400840705) (Gets termed often)

Mother: Lydia Cazares
Couldn't find much information on his mom except the name.