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 __          ___          ___      
 \ \        / / |        |__ \   _ 
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    \  /\  /  | | | | |_| |_|    _ 
     \/  \/   |_| |_|\__, (_)   (_)
                      __/ |        

I'm back bitches:

I did this before and he folder harder than a soggy omelette. Deleted all socials, cancelled web hosts and domains, basically just full on
cried in the corner because he got doxed...

and even though in a video I made after I doxed him originally he said "Yea I don't dox because i'm not scum" well guess what Benny. *someone* reached out to me because I didn't even remember keeping it up. But hey, dox who you want just remember that in your own eyes you're now scum ;)

  _____        __        
 |_   _|      / _|    _  
   | |  _ __ | |_ ___(_) 
   | | | '_ \|  _/ _ \   
  _| |_| | | | || (_) |  
 |_____|_| |_|_| \___(_) 
Name: Ben Tettmar
Age: 15
Parent's Names:  Marcus Tettmar (Father)
Other Relatives: ?
Address: ?
Other Relatives Addresses: ?
School: Shaftesbury School (https://shaftesburyschool.co.uk/)
City: Shaftesbury
Country: United Kingdom
Phone Numbers: ?
Face: https://bluntobjects.makes-my-pp-hard.xyz/Cap-q4Tg9
Discord ID: 671423585839087626 (Main) 905870701888692326 (An alt of his)
Additional Information:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQr3hsDPPE1qPAl_wLa67ug (His Dad's YT also thanks mr tettmar for subbing ;) )
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeYJnI_AFqQzDLPVga11qyg (Benny)
https://replit.com/@ilyBenny (Repl)
https://discord.com/invite/aWTpaJV4cT (Self-Bot Discord)
https://github.com/bentettmar (Github)
https://benny.fun/ (Main Site)
