


today we have dumb ass by the name of Comm4nderFlame2003 a048 or known as Benjamin Logan he is a pedo who dated a 17 year old and he is 24 they did do sexual things with eacother,
even erped together he also talks about how good it is to be a pedo so yall enjoy his dox and if you new here welcome, but if you been here a while enjoy.
Name: Benjamin Logan
Age: 21
Phone Number: 7490128274
Address: 18 Yeoman Dr, Stanwell, Staines TW19 7TL, UK
 IPv4      :
    Hostname  : 331312a7.skybroadband.com
    City      : Wembley
    Region    : England
    Country   : GB
    Location  : 51.5524,-0.2969
    ORG       : AS5607
    Postal    : HA0
    Timezone  : Europe/London
    Proxy     : False
    Type      : Residential
    Mobile (cellular) connection      : False
    Proxy, VPN or Tor exit address    : False
    Hosting, colocated or data center : False
    Pinging   : True
    Saved     : False
photos and ss 