            ██████╗   ██████╗  ██╗  ██╗
            ██╔══██╗ ██╔═══██╗ ╚██╗██╔╝
            ██║  ██║ ██║   ██║  ╚███╔╝
            ██║  ██║ ██║   ██║  ██╔██╗
            ██████╔╝ ╚██████╔╝ ██╔╝ ██╗
            ╚═════╝   ╚═════╝  ╚═╝  ╚═╝   
            Doxed By : Mola
            Reason   : Didn't keep that promise
            Pseudo   : "Yb_exorcistZZ", "Néon Prime"

            [+] Username     : Yb_exorcist
            [+] Display Name : yotanji
            [+] ID           : 739557540693803130
            [+] Avatar       : Neon
            [+] Created At   : 2/06/20
            [+] Token        : None
            [+] E-Mail       : jiren444dbs@gmail.com jiren555dbs@gmail.com jiren888dbs@gmail.com
            [+] Phone        : +33 7 48 17 36 78
            [+] Nitro        : yes
            [+] Friends      : yes
            [+] Gift Code    : no
            [+] Multi-Factor Authentication : no

            [+] Isp          : None
            [+] Org          : None
            [+] As           : None

            [+] VPN Y/N      :

            [+] Name         : Younes
            [+] Username     : yb_exorcist
            [+] Display Name : yb

            [+] Plateform    : PC
            [+] Exploitation : W11
            [+] Windows Key  : NO

            [+] MAC          : NO
            [+] HWID         : NO
            [+] CPU          : NO
            [+] GPU          : NO
            [+] RAM          : NO
            [+] Disk         : NO

            [+] Screen Main      : NO
            [+] Screen Secondary : NO

            [+] Phone Number : +33 7 48 17 36 78
            [+] Brand        : Redmi 9T
            [+] Operator     : SFR
            [+] Type Number  : Mobile
            [+] Country      : FR
            [+] Region       : France
            [+] Timezone     : Europe/Paris

            [+] Gender      : MALE
            [+] Last Name   : Younes
            [+] First Name  : Belabbes
            [+] Age         :  13

            [+] Mother      : SOON
            [+] Father      : NO
            [+] Brother     : IDK
            [+] Sister      : YES

            [+] Continent   : Europe
            [+] Country     : France
            [+] Region      : Grand-est
            [+] Postal Code : 51100
            [+] City        : Reims
            [+] Address     : 17 Bd Président Wilson

            +──────Mails & Password─────+
            [+] Email    : jiren444dbs@gmail.com and 888 and 555
            [+] Password : Bachir2024/Bachir2025/Bachir2016/Bachir2020 and add !! or * or !

           history next part

            Website  |  Username  |  Password

https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize  |  y.belabbes@edu-groupesaintmichel.fr  |  Mydu5612
https://forum.plutonium.pw/register  |  Yb_exorcist.ZZ  |  BoyMeetsEvil6e
android://UhbMtiAExFNPNceArXxYL07lKDceJ9QVHwVTMl3pzL5rNOxCM_X2QHA1gQU6v-owOXcnLReVhwTYm3cRKSpFaQ==@com.roblox.client/  |  ouedraogowo  |  BoyMeetsEvil10
https://www.exitlag.com/register  |  jiren444dbs@gmail.com  |  Bachir2020!!
android://UhbMtiAExFNPNceArXxYL07lKDceJ9QVHwVTMl3pzL5rNOxCM_X2QHA1gQU6v-owOXcnLReVhwTYm3cRKSpFaQ==@com.roblox.client/  |  yb_exorcist  |  Bachir2025!
android://RGlUtI9NY0ps7eW1mdYoROkaZ3iIqThRr1OIJOwe5lqdRX93aUt2TxUUz13PLlTFN5B1C0mMDPyM4BsBic8Fmg==@com.roblox.client/  |  ouedraogowo  |  BoyMeetsEvil10
android://UhbMtiAExFNPNceArXxYL07lKDceJ9QVHwVTMl3pzL5rNOxCM_X2QHA1gQU6v-owOXcnLReVhwTYm3cRKSpFaQ==@com.roblox.client/  |  Julia6396199  |  Bachir2025!
android://dKranQB7c5H2WKHJF5rygyRh5-vrf7ZVODNX_XoJgJ5YncxgwK7vbH1kZrYCLmv68MEawe5nFA-sfKQk9mrbFQ==@tv.twitch.android.app/  |  yb_exorcistofficiel  |  Bachir2025??
https://www.twitch.tv/  |  yb_exorcistzz  |  Bachir2020
https://accounts.spotify.com/fr/login  |  jiren444dbs@gmail.com  |  Bachir2020!!
https://www.ecoledirecte.com/login  |  Belabbes younes  |  Bachir2020!!
android://UhbMtiAExFNPNceArXxYL07lKDceJ9QVHwVTMl3pzL5rNOxCM_X2QHA1gQU6v-owOXcnLReVhwTYm3cRKSpFaQ==@com.roblox.client/  |  yo10nes  |  Bachir2025
https://accounts.snapchat.com/accounts/v2/password  |  jiren444dbs@gmail.com  |  BoyMeetsEvil6
https://labomep.sesamath.net/  |  y.belabbes  |  Mydu5612
https://www.exitlag.com/register  |  jiren555dbs@gmail.com  |  Bachir2020!!
https://discord.com/invite/uZfTVcmf/login  |  jiren444dbs@gmail.com  |  Bachir2020
android://RGlUtI9NY0ps7eW1mdYoROkaZ3iIqThRr1OIJOwe5lqdRX93aUt2TxUUz13PLlTFN5B1C0mMDPyM4BsBic8Fmg==@com.roblox.client/  |  Yb_exorcist  |  Bachir2020
https://www.netflix.com/login  |  myriambenhadria@hotmail.fr  |  Yamina51@
https://identity.lego.com/fr-FR/login  |  jiren555dbs@gmail.com  |  Bachir2020
https://www.roblox.com/fr/login/reset-password  |  jiren444dbs@gmail.com  |  Bachir2020
https://www.ecoledirecte.com/login  |  l.leduc  |  Loulou51*
https://www.roblox.com/fr/Login  |  ouedraogowo  |  BoyMeetsEvil10
android://RGlUtI9NY0ps7eW1mdYoROkaZ3iIqThRr1OIJOwe5lqdRX93aUt2TxUUz13PLlTFN5B1C0mMDPyM4BsBic8Fmg==@com.roblox.client/  |  ouedraogowo  |  Bachir2025!
android://UhbMtiAExFNPNceArXxYL07lKDceJ9QVHwVTMl3pzL5rNOxCM_X2QHA1gQU6v-owOXcnLReVhwTYm3cRKSpFaQ==@com.roblox.client/  |  ouedraogowo  |  BoyMeetsEvil10
android://dKranQB7c5H2WKHJF5rygyRh5-vrf7ZVODNX_XoJgJ5YncxgwK7vbH1kZrYCLmv68MEawe5nFA-sfKQk9mrbFQ==@tv.twitch.android.app/  |  yb_exorcistofficiel  |  Bachir2025??
android://UhbMtiAExFNPNceArXxYL07lKDceJ9QVHwVTMl3pzL5rNOxCM_X2QHA1gQU6v-owOXcnLReVhwTYm3cRKSpFaQ==@com.roblox.client/  |  yo10nes  |  Bachir2025
https://accounts.google.com/v3/signin/challenge/pwd  |  jiren888dbs@gmail.com  |  Bachir2025
android://UhbMtiAExFNPNceArXxYL07lKDceJ9QVHwVTMl3pzL5rNOxCM_X2QHA1gQU6v-owOXcnLReVhwTYm3cRKSpFaQ==@com.roblox.client/  |  Julia6396199  |  Bachir2025!
https://www.roblox.com/fr/login  |  Yb_exorcist  |  Bachir2020
https://discord.com/shop  |  jiren888dbs@gmail.com  |  Bachir2016
https://auth.silentclient.net/login  |  jiren444dbs@gmail.com  |  Bachir2016
android://RGlUtI9NY0ps7eW1mdYoROkaZ3iIqThRr1OIJOwe5lqdRX93aUt2TxUUz13PLlTFN5B1C0mMDPyM4BsBic8Fmg==@com.roblox.client/  |  Yb_exorcist  |  Bachir2020
https://www.roblox.com/fr/login  |  yo13nes  |  Bachir2020
https://auth0.openai.com/u/signup/password  |  jiren888dbs@gmail.com  |  Bachir2020!!
android://UhbMtiAExFNPNceArXxYL07lKDceJ9QVHwVTMl3pzL5rNOxCM_X2QHA1gQU6v-owOXcnLReVhwTYm3cRKSpFaQ==@com.roblox.client/  |  yb_exorcist  |  Bachir2025!
https://accounts.google.com/v3/signin/identifier  |  jiren444dbs@gmail.com  |  Bachir2020
