                                                          ▓│                ...::[ SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW PASTE ]::...               │▓
                                                            ──────┘      ░░       ("Scroll down to view paste"): ░░            └──────
                                                            │                                                                      │

▓ ▓▓     Credits     ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                             [ Sanction]     ║    [ Sanction ]                                                    ▓▓ ║  0x00  ║  ▓▓  ▓

 ›  Majority of Dox:            Incognito
 				 └──│ doxbin.com/user/lncognito

 ›  Majority of Dox:            Pervy
 				 └──│ doxbin.com/user/Pervy

 ›  Doxing Help:                Valdz
 				 └──│ https://doxbin.com/user/cs2

 ›  Doxing Help:                #Afterlyfe
 				 └──│ https://doxbin.com/user/no_one155 

 ›  Doxing Help:                Blaze
 				 └──│ https://doxbin.org/user/forethought
▓ ▓▓     Reasons     ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                              [ Sanction ]     ║  [ Sanction ]                                                    ▓▓ ║  0x00  ║  ▓▓  ▓
From a innocent South London 2 kid to a weirdo, Today I present to you BANK764. For starters I would like to say that by the time this paste has been Uploaded his local police
Department has been contacted. Anyways the reason he is being pasted is because;

- Likes posting gore and CP
- Likes to commit arson and is a weirdo
- Hella more shit but im lazy

Im too lazy to write a full reason but theres alot of fucked up shit hes done 

Enjoy this quick paste ( THIS IS JUST A ARCHIVE )
▓ ▓▓   Target Info   ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                             [ Sanction]     ║   [ Sanction ]                                                    ▓▓ ║  0x01  ║  ▓▓  ▓

 ›  Name:			Edit Soon;
 ›  Aliases:                    Ignited [LARP], Bank764, Bank, Comp, Comp764, CompH3LL, BankH3ll, Ware, Ware999,
 ›  Age:			17

 ›  Number:                     +30 6998486715
                                     └──│ Connected - Whatsapp, Microsoft, Truecaller
                                                                             └──│ Registered : True
                                                                                │ ID: qM/oJKs+bRXaKqFoSzTzLA==
                                                                                │ Location:  GR, +03:00, address
                                                                                │ Phone: +30 6998486715

 ›  Address:                    Sourmeli Athena Grecia 10438
 ›  County:                     Greece, Athens
▓ ▓▓     Emails      ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                            [ Sanction ]     ║    [ Sanction ]                                                    ▓▓ ║  0x02  ║  ▓▓  ▓

›  Email Address: Giuseppegr1987@icloud.com [-] Password: tiamobaby09W Or 
                   └──│ Registered : True
                      │ ID : 100108725779217414601
                      │ Last Seen : 2024-07-22T13:31:48
                      │ Connected: Spotify, Pintrest, Instagram, Ubisoft Connect, Apple (Phone number ??? ??? ??15), Microsoft, 

›  Email Address: grecogiuseppe577@gmail.com [-] Password: Giuseppepro22@A [-] New Password - giuseppegreco0912
                   └──│ Registered : True
                      │ ID : 102884869031702818409
                      │ Last Seen : 2023-12-24T23:24:22
                      │ Connected: Twitter

▓ ▓▓  PC/ Network Info     ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                      [ Sanction ]     ║    [ Sanction ]                                                    ▓▓ ║  0x03  ║  ▓▓  ▓
› IP:
› Hostname: adsl-
› City: Thessaloníki
› Region: Central Macedonia
› Country: GR (Greece)
› LOC: 40.6436,22.9309 ( NOT ACCURATE )
› Org: AS25472 Nova Telecommunications & Media Single Member S.A
› Timezone: Europe/Athens
› ASN: AS25472
› Name: Nova Telecommunications & Media Single Member S.A
› Domain: Nova.gr
› VPN: False
› Proxy: False
› Relay: False
› Hosting: False
› Tor: False

› Mac Address: 94:e2:3c:2b:45:57

›  SSID             |     PASSWORD
iPhone              | ignitednigga12
Zyxel_9526C1        | TNKHM73L

 System Information:

› Display Name: 
› Hostname: DESKTOP-I7OT0UH
› Username: Ignited

› CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400 CPU @ 2.90GHz
› GPU: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
› RAM: 8.0
› HWID: 4C4C4544-0032-3010-8044-CAC04F4A4833

› Drive     Free      Total     Use%      
› C:\       120GB     218GB     44.6%     
› D:\       915GB     931GB     1.7%         

› Discord Token: OTk3ODg2MjUwNDU3NTE4MTQw.GvVvb_.6Upszo_YeaOPFtQdJtkeE3vWKxN8UMxHFr9k7E [-] Now invalid as he got ran off and deleted his discord account.

 Here is a vault that contains the following things;

- His personal Credit Cards
- Downloads
- History

Link: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/o4n76difqh5ai/vault (There's proof that it isn't a virus just look on the link it shows the files)
▓ ▓▓   Mother Info   ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                               [ Sanction ]     ║    [ Sanction ]                                                 ▓▓ ║  0x03  ║  ▓▓  ▓

 ›  Name: Vasiliu Adriana
 ›  Age:			44 Yrs Old

 ›  Address:                    Sourmeli Athena Grecia 10438
 ›  County:                     Greece
 ›  Relationship Status:        Widow (Husband died in his mid 40s)

▓ ▓▓     THE END       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                            [ Sanction ]   ║    [ Sanction ]                                                    ▓▓ ║  0x05  ║  ▓▓  ▓
Took me 10 minutes to complete I know this is a short paste but this is a archive, Cya.