Bailey 2b2t
*Reason for Dox:
Dumb manipulative tranny,
Completely entitled to himself,
Genuine degenerate, should join 40%,
Bipolar, pathological liar
*Personal Information:
Full Name: Bailey Sleijpen
Location: Sydney, Australia
Email: bailey.sleipen@student.tsc.nsw.edu.au (SCHOOL EMAIL LOL)
Alias: bailey_ancom, uwu6, OpalIsCute, Bailegend, Dysphorea, Tin
*IP Information:
IP Address:
ISP: TPG Internet
Latitude:   -33.8591  (33° 51′ 32.76″ S)
Longitude:  151.2002  (151° 12′ 0.72″ E)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5wMnQrRG5D94hxx4sL3iHw
Minecraft accounts: https://namemc.com/profile/Dysphorea.1 , https://namemc.com/profile/bailey_ancom.2 (ACCOUNTS SHARED WITH LAZYBOY)
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198139822407
Discord: bailey#8118
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/bailegend/
*Pictures & funny images:
IMGUR ALBUM: https://imgur.com/a/BRAL0S5
Created by Anon :)
Get fucked Emperium tranny reject
Johnmcswag is fat irl