Name: Willim Bowyr

Address Line 1: 18 Ploh Rod
Address line 2: Capel Mary
Postal Codes: IP9 2EX


GEO LOCATION:  52.0628  (52° 2′ 42.48″ N)

Phone Number: 07783404980 (O2 or BT)

Card Number: 1nfern0#4621

Passwords: 1nfern0#4621


This little shit got my booter ddoser website taken down and seized and is a rat in the community after I hit off
everyone in his gta game LOL pussio


Email1: Priv.williambowyer@gmail.com
Email2: Bowyer.wrobert@gmail.com
Email3: spongeboblongpants@protonmail.com (This is probs not him, added it here as it was in a db for 3 years ago)
Email4: Bowyerwilliam562@gmail.com (This is probs not him, added it here as it was in a db for 3 years ago)
