drop lord

Name: Samuel
Surname: Mereu
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Date of birth: 9/02/2007
Sexual orientation: straight
Race: White
Height: 5'6
Weight status: 63 kg
Eye color: brown
Faceshape: round

Country: Italy
Region: Sardinia
City: Nuoro, Sardinia
Location: Ilono, Nuoro, Sardinia
Postal code: 08040
Address: Via Magenta, 17, 08040 Ilbono NU

Phone number: +39 371 0914 013
Emails: samuelmereu@gmail.com

Past / Current: IANAS Ipsia Agrario Nautico Alberghiero Sociosanitario
Facebook: @samuel.mereu.96    

Closest friends: Sara Tagliaferri
                 Alessia Barili
Skype: samumereu12  

Mom: Caterina Piras
Dad: Sandro Mereu
Brother: Giampietro me

Video of him throwing the cat: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeG2771J/

In case the video gets banned type your social media name in the comments
and i will send it to you.

by lord