Reason: Scamming people for Fortnite accounts at the ripe age of 22. 

 _                        _               _       _                             
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Name: Lavonte D. Brown
Age: 22
Cashapp: wgmvonte123                                             
Discord User: arieyel
Instagram: bxvonn (Used for Scamming)
Dad: Gone to get the milk
Age: Who cares
Mom's Name: Shiela Marie Brown
Maiden Name: Sheila Marie Haynes
Age: 47
Current Phone: (951) 591-0178
Past Phone Numbers:
(951) 591-0262
(951) 940-7352
(760) 430-0744
(951) 591-1392
Current Address:
15172 Moreno Beach Dr, Unit 1414
Moreno Valley CA 92555
Past Addresses / Po Boxes:
Po Box 9811
Moreno Valley CA 92552

Po Box 9481
Moreno Valley CA 92552

3917 Barbury Palms Way
Perris CA 92571

7 Wren Ct, Unit D
Saint Marys GA 31558

315 Angel St
Oceanside CA 92058

Po Box 8481
Moreno Valley CA 92552